Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

When you guys use the nipple waterers do you have to somehow train your birds to use them?
I really need something like that but I have some old hens and polish that are dumb.
mine took all of two minutes to figure it out. I showed one the tappy thing and the others saw that one and so on. I put a cup of ice in the watered to cool it each day
Wow you guys are regular chatterboxes!
Gone for a few hours and I'm 60+ posts behind!

Hi to the next bunch of new folks
Grab your cup and join in! WELCOME!

Glad you got it Deb
Cute isn't it? I bought the t-shirt, just couldn't resist.

Hope all the critters are doing well/recovering etc. So sorry about the kitten and the Morgan mare.
Any idea why they are picking on her?

I agree with both of Alaskan's suggestions. Chuck a couple donuts over the fence and turn a fan on the birds till the donut can thin the buggers out.
We've got so much standing water right now, I'm chucking pieces of donuts everywhere!

We actually had a dry day today!!! I got to go play in the big town at the natural foods grocery store while Pa got caught up a little on the mowing (he even got the girl's yard brushed down).
I had a great time and there is a wonderful deli right in the store so I had a nice organic wrap for lunch and was able to wash it down with a real latte! YUM!!!
The rain returns during the night so it will probably be a soggy roadtrip with Pa to do grocery shopping early and get home before the real rowdy stuff rolls back in.
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So Bill is here. Lots of rain but it seems uneventful outside of that.

Have you ever had times when you wished for something safe and boring to happen? This year is killing me spiritually and emotionally!
This is Moe my 4.5 year old New Hampshire, She is from one of my first flocks of Chickens. Named Moe cuz her comb grew in so funny like a MO-Hawk. The Black one is her friend Brady a new Jersey and the Queen of my coop. I took this pic yesterday while we were looking for bugs together.

My Son took the dog for a walk tonite and ran in the house *I think something is chasing your chickens*
Baldy one of my Granddaughters chickens is Missing.
Trouble my Brahma is in Shock and has lots of bare spots and
My poor Moe is dead. Half her neck eaten out.

My neighbor got a puppy!
Trouble is inside the house for observation and my Ladies in the coop are scared to move and in morning they are singing a low throaty song and checking to see who is there. They scattered and hid all over the yard it took 2 hours to find them all (except for Baldy who I still hope is ok) I thought they had all met Moe's fate. I had that *my child is missing in the store feeling!*

I gave Trouble some aspirin water with vitamin/electrolyte powder hoping it will help with the stress and pain and the Coop got a 5 gallon drinker with vit elec powder. Is there anything else I can do for a chicken in shock she is in the dog crate in the house and I put a blanket over it to hopefully make her feel safe. she was stiff as a board so I wrapped her in a blanket and let her watch tv with me she relaxed and fell asleep but when I put her back in the crate stiff again. not sure how to make her relax and feel comfy as my boasted about DH is sure he will NOT tolerate a chicken in bed tonite.
you poor dear! And your chickens!

How horrid!

OK, just put her where she is warm and safe and quiet.... and leave her be.

since she doesn't get to sleep with you... would she be happier in the coop, but still in the crate? That way none of the others can peck at her, but she can listen to all of the sounds of home.
it sounds to me like you have done exactly right...

I think that the powder in the coop waterer should be just the thing!

Maybe they should all have a bit of crumbled or fried egg in the morning, if their tummies look to have settled a bit after all of the stress..

Remember that odd digestive upsets are common after a trauma, as are odd eggs and no eggs.

Definitely keep them all under lock and key....

I am SO sorry!

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