Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Oh, and as for coffee consumption, DH rarely goes thru more than 2-3 cups in an entire day and never in the evening!!!  Can you imagine???  I've already drank more than that and it's not yet 8 a.m. here.  Geesh!

Real coffee drinkers drink more by 8am than most people drink all day!

And not at night? What does he think they made night stands for?!?! Warm milk?!?!?! Lol

I would smack you for that, but my hand still hurts from the last time I smacked your hard head....

Morning yall!
I drink 2-3 pots of this everyday, I don't even bleed anymore, when cut I percolate! I have to order by the case and have shipped as it's not available anywhere near me.

That said. Chillin at home recovering from
Surgery playing with baby chicks and our newest baby, Piccolo, a now 3mth old Nigerian dwarf who we're raising like a puppy in the house! House trained himself at 2wks old after only 4days, now head butts door when he wants in or out, cutest thing ever!!

Why are you drinking Kool aid in the morning?
I am not a fan of any flavored coffee, my wife will sometimes sneak a cup of it into the coffee drawer. We do have Folger's in the house though, we feed it to my Mother, she likes hot water that kind of resembles coffee...

Blessed Sunday morning everyone!!!

A wonderful 50o this morning!!! And it's only supposed to get into the low 60's for a high. And no more rain! Well, at least for a couple days anyway.
I can finally get some work done outside. I had been looking and watching for a deal on an old camper or shed I could refurbish into a feed, storage, etc. close to coop before winter. I'm geting a bit old for dragging stuff thru the snow and I wanted to cut down on some of the snow removal. DH decided that he's too old to start that again. (even tho I told him it was my project) so he asked how much was I planning to spend. I told him and he said, "I'll match it and let's just buy one." He was determined so I watched the papers and online for a good sale and there is now a large box in garage waiting for the weather to break so we can put the new 7x7 shed together. DH also insisted it not be one of those steel "do it yourself" sheds even tho they are less expensive. Even with diligent cleaning off, he argued the things just don't hold up to our snow load for very long. He has a point. In fact, I couldn't even find one that would guarantee that it would. Anyway, we settled on one of those nice looking polyresin ones with hinge doors. (those sliding doors always on the steel sheds was another problem. NOT good in winter.). Tho I am never thrilled with anything "plastic", he is right that it holds up better in our environment than any other material and is basically insect and rodent proof.

I just threw out one of the steel sheds that failed the snow load a year ago, and you get way more snow than me. As far as dragging things through the snow, you just need another snow removing toy. A guy can never have enough of them, buy you DH one for Xmas! I am hoping for a snow plow for my truck this year. I did not want to put one on my truck when it was new, but now it is going to be 17 so I will put it on now. I have the bobcat with a blade, the ATV with a plow and a couple snowblowers, but I am thinking a heated truck would be nice. I gave the WWD a nice new shovel to use last year. I spoil that woman!
Good morning!!!
Ohhhh!  Folgers is my favorite store bought ground as well.  We don't have a great variety to choose from in the coffee aisle up here either but we can at least get Folgers.

You have a baby goat?  And a DN?  I am so jealous!!!  You simply must supply pictures!

Not sure what DN is.

This is piccolo!

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Why are you drinking Kool aid in the morning? :gig   I am not a fan of any flavored coffee, my wife will sometimes sneak a cup of it into the coffee drawer.  We do have Folger's in the house though, we feed it to my Mother, she likes hot water that kind of resembles coffee...

I just threw out one of the steel sheds that failed the snow load a year ago, and you get way more snow than me.   As far as dragging things through the snow, you just need another snow removing toy.   A guy can never have enough of them, buy you DH one for Xmas!  I am hoping for a snow plow for my truck this year.   I did not want to put one on my truck when it was new, but now it is going to be 17 so I will put it on now.   I have the bobcat with a blade, the ATV with a plow and a couple snowblowers, but I am thinking a heated truck would be nice.  I gave the WWD a nice new shovel to use last year. I spoil that woman!

Koolaid! Lol.

That's why there's chocolate, Strawberry and vanilla, something for everybody!!

I drank regular nasty coffee for 40yrs, I guess my tastes have changed over time.,..

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