Skunk after mom and peachicks

I've thought of setting the trap down into a 50 gallon drum of water. We have 2 new ones with lids we don't use for anything. Will probably make a burn barrel out of one when this horrible draught in Texas is over with. I really feel bad and ask forgiveness when dispatching predators but have to protect my own. I lost my beloved 2 1/2 year old peacock, Douglas to something chasing him out of a tree at night, running him down and killing him along with a peahen. Had raised them from chicks...cried for 3 days. They ate from my hand and followed me around. Now listening to all going on outside amplified using a baby monitor. The peahen is the only one that gave me Pied chicks. I have 2 of her offspring that are in the aviary. So afraid of loosing them I may never set them free again. Still tearing up. )-:
BD, these sort of stories make me also never want to free range them. And make me want to go check my pen for the 23589374569th time to make sure nothing can get in... and possibly sleep on the back porch in a chair with a shotgun. Sorry to hear about Douglas.
My three 75% Java from last years hatch was free ranging but they are in the aviary now as are the two Pied from 2009 hatch. I'm afraid to turn them loose.....they may be in jail forever, LOL!!! Our enclosure is 30 ft by 42 ft and can be one pen or 4 by closing gates. It was 1/3 shed but covered more of it so only 1/3 open ceiling now. That was a big mistake. It's so hot in there. Will be nice during decent weather but this Texas heat is a killer. Had to install windows for air circulation, using fans and water misting. Had we not covered it they wouldn't need all that. Live and learn as they say. It totally safe wrapped in 1" by 2" welded wire with wire going out on the ground 2 to 3 feet so nothing can dig in. Try the baby monitor. I can hear everything going on with the hearing part out on the porch. It's amazing how far away it picks up sound. Interesting noises at night!!!

Skunks love eggs you could easily catch a skunk with a few eegs in the trap, you could also you canned catfood, and when I was dealing with skunk they would always kill my baby chicks, so I would also use their remains too.
OH NO!! Put 2 eggs in the trap tonight....hope I don't get another skunk. I prefer to catch the raccoons...have never caught a grey fox. Neighbor says he has just setting the trap no special way. I don't believe it. I've heard it's difficult to catch them. Would love to catch a ring tail cat.

C&Rman :

Skunks love eggs you could easily catch a skunk with a few eegs in the trap, you could also you canned catfood, and when I was dealing with skunk they would always kill my baby chicks, so I would also use their remains too.​
Skunks love eggs you could easily catch a skunk with a few eegs in the trap, you could also you canned catfood, and when I was dealing with skunk they would always kill my baby chicks, so I would also use their remains too.

If you want to catch a raccoon put a dead chicken or some chicken breasts in the trap. The rotter they are the better chance you will catch a coon. I dont know how to catch a fox or a ring tail cat. I saw a red fox once but my neighbors shot it
I haven't had any skunks or coon problems in a year! My neighbors own 5 acres in front of me and it is the perfect setting for skunks and coons but they shoot anything they see. Guess I got lucky with that one...

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