Slipped tendon that turned to twisted tibia/my treatment

Alrighty, I took pics of Answer today. I am very very happy that his leg is so much better. Like I said he limps but still so so much better than he was! I would recommend this treatment over putting them down any day!!!!





Alrighty, I took pics of Answer today. I am very very happy that his leg is so much better. Like I said he limps but still so so much better than he was! I would recommend this treatment over putting them down any day!!!!

Wow, I am impressed, that looks really good! I was really concerned that he was too old to have that much improvement. Good Job!
It's not perfect by any means, as u can see when he turns but when he just stand he can hold his legs together, which he could NOT do before! I thank you, thank you!
It's not perfect by any means, as u can see when he turns but when he just stand he can hold his legs together, which he could NOT do before! I thank you, thank you!

Honey you are the one who did all the work so you deserve the applause not me. I am just happy that I can tell people there is hope for birds with this condition, when mine got it everything I found said "put them down" and I was just sick over it. I thank the friendly poultry orthopedist who I found on the UPA forum, that's who taught me and I'm just passing it on. And his leg doesn't need to be perfect, he's a pet not a show bird and as long as he's happy that's all that matters.
I have a 5 month old pea who hatched (August) with a slipped tendon. My husband and I repaired it over a week or so when the chick was a few days old, and all seemed fine until recently when it appears that the tendon has slipped again. I was planning on putting the bird down this afternoon, but now I think I'll try treating it. Is 5 months too old? I suppose it's worth a try, right? The worst that can happen is it doesn't work and then I'm back to "square one".
I have a 5 month old pea who hatched (August) with a slipped tendon. My husband and I repaired it over a week or so when the chick was a few days old, and all seemed fine until recently when it appears that the tendon has slipped again. I was planning on putting the bird down this afternoon, but now I think I'll try treating it. Is 5 months too old? I suppose it's worth a try, right? The worst that can happen is it doesn't work and then I'm back to "square one".

At five months old the big question is what outcome will you be happy with? At this age full recovery is generally not going to happen, if keeping him/her mobile even if there is lameness is okay then I would try. Do you by any chance have any photos you could post so we could see if you are indeed dealing with a slipped tendon, or if the tibia is twisting. @thndrdancr will be able to give you some good advice as I think her boy was the same age, and he is walking pretty well these days. I was able to get complete recovery for my chicks, but they had twisted tibias not slipped tendons and they were only 4-5 weeks at the time of treatment.
I would be happy if he just limps but can get around. I don't need a 100% outcome as long as he isn't in pain. I don't have a photo, but will get one tonight and post it. I read this thread quickly but I'll read it again and study it closely. I only have three peas and really really really don't want to put this one down if there's a chance. I'm encouraged now! Thank you!

I was not just doing mine at night, I was doing him a couple days at a time, then checking-letting out for a day if sunny, then usually a couple more days, etc. I probably did not make that real clear. When he had the slipped tendon I had him in 24/7. Pet carrier and taping did not work for the tendon. :(
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