Small chick recovered from runny eye, first egg today :)

I'm SO happy for you!!! Congrats! My little one is getting very restless in her "healing" box. But she now a "neighbor" box, a tiny chick who is suffering from a Vitamin deficiency. "Isabel" is recovering and acts as if I haven't supplied her with an amount of food that her brothers and sisters eat DAILY. She eats literally ALL the time!!! But she is the cutest thing.
That's great!
When we get old, I'm sure we get a bit slower on our feet as well. I wonder if they can get human afflictions like arthritis? Can we give chickens glucosamine and stuff like that? At any rate, I'm glad she's there for her chicks!
Cautiously optimistic. Funny you mention restlessness... mine started challenging the confines of the box last evening... over and over... poor little gal. I don't want to let her back in with the others until she's normal looking again. At least she did start to actually grow! If only I could get her to stop *totally freaking out* when I reach in.

Do you use the vitamin mix for yours? Glad to hear she's recovering and being a little piggy!
Cautiously optimistic. Funny you mention restlessness... mine started challenging the confines of the box last evening... over and over... poor little gal. I don't want to let her back in with the others until she's normal looking again. At least she did start to actually grow! If only I could get her to stop *totally freaking out* when I reach in.

Do you use the vitamin mix for yours? Glad to hear she's recovering and being a little piggy!

I tried giving her this gel vitamin in her water, but I thought that it was way too gross to drink, so I took it out. I suppose she is getting al of her vitamins through the Purina Start and Grow that she pigs out on.
Since her eye has been 100% clear for 3 days, and she looks kind-of-mostly-normal-ish to where the others won't pick at her, I went ahead and reintroduced her to the team this morning. She was chittering over and over and over ALL night for the last two nights, and picking at her feathers-- distressed and lonely probably. They all have a few more days on the antibacterial, then I'll try the vitamin/electrolyte mix. She loves to eat yogurt with the rest, and is extremely energetic and happy. I hope I did the right thing; I'll keep a close eye on them.

Cheers to health in general.

Over the course of the day, she's gone on a right eating marathon. Unbelievable... like how the hot dog eating champ is that super thin guy. I'll post more pics in a couple of days.
One thing to add that was not mentioned by other posters. Eye worm and mites (around the eyes) can cuase similar symptoms. For eye worm, a drop of ivermectin in each eye. For mites, ivermectin on the skin or in the eye.
Ooh, thanks. Information for later... duly noted.

I did inspect closely, and didn't see anything. Nothing moving, no little tiny specks, nothing I've read about here. Since she has stopped scratching, if she did have something like that, is it gone now?

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