Small Chicken Coop (how inexpensive can you go)

Thank you, for all the compliments everyone.

It's been a rather fun project, especially one that my wife had taken part in it (some good ideas, sanding and painting) Even though we don't have much money into the coop, them chickens better lay some dang good eggs, to make up for all the time that we have involved into this...LOL
Very good job throughout! I am impressed.
Whats your location, and what is that neat little flatbed truck?

Oh, don't forget... you still have to build the run!

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I add to the expense of the coop. I ended up buying some 10" pneumatic casters. (two swivel and two fixed) This way I can move the coop around by hand, when the lawn has to be mowed. I got the casters from Harbor Fraight. They cost $12.99 each, and I had a 20% off coupon that I got out of a magazine. So I got all four casters for $42 bucks. So now the total is up to $129.00 in to the little coop.










We still have to do some of the touch up to the white trim, and we have to do one more final coat to the yellow, to have it mach our other barns better, when we get the remaining paint tinted darker. But other than that, it's finished. $129.00 well spent
Stop, stop, you're making us look bad! LOL We bought two Eglu Go houses. So, we're in it about $900. LOL < laughing at myself BTW! Of course, I'm NOT handy!
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This is just the cutest little chicken coop. What a wonderful job you did building it, and I LOVE that you were thrifty, too. Just proves all it takes is an idea, the ability to pull it off, and the time to work on it. Kudos.

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