Smallest quietest chicken breed?


9 Years
Jan 11, 2011
Colorado Plains
What is the smallest chicken that:
-very quiet, especially roosters
-lays 4-7 eggs a week
-cold hardy
-docile, friendly, and bears confinement well

Is there such a type?

If there isn't ... what two kinds would be good to cross to get this kind of chicken?
Bantam Cochins and Wyandottes are very small, quiet, bear confinement well, are sweet, very broody, etc. Plus they come in very pretty colors.
Add Sultans to the list also. Our's are very quiet and docile, good layers of small white eggs and the rooster almost never crowed.

Where I can look at good quality bantam cochins, wyandottes and sultans? Can't seem to find any breeders.
Hi! Cochins fit that description. I have some Cochin boys that I have never seen crow (not to say they don't when I'm not looking). My lemon blue barred Cochin guy does not crow at all, ever. He does the stretch, then pose as if he would be about to crow, but no crow.

Add Sultans to the list also. Our's are very quiet and docile, good layers of small white eggs and the rooster almost never crowed.

Where I can look at good quality bantam cochins, wyandottes and sultans? Can't seem to find any breeders.

I looked up Colorado Chicken Breeders and this is the link

you locate what you are looking for
After looking at pix and such, have to say I'm in love with the Blue Laced Bantam Wyandotte or a Patridge Bantam Wyandotte or even a gold-laced bantam wyandotte. Looks like they don't go broody very often. If I'm reading right, bantam wyandottes get only around 2 pounds, right? I want some! Any breeders of these three I mentioned reading this? PM me please!

found some on ... anybody used them before?

Looks like sultans aren't very good layers. thanks for the suggestion tho.

While I love the idea of cochins, they seem to be rather feathery in the leg area, which means the same care as silkies when it comes to mud?
Yeah, cochins need to stay out of the mud or they do get very dirty. BTW, all sultans aren't bad layers though. Ours averaged 5 eggs a week each all last summer.
There are several on here with good wyndottes. You might try posting in the "Wanted to buy" section to find good breeders.

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