Smoky Mtn East TN

What's wrong with her ? Sorry it's. very nasty pic I just need help

I agree with asking in the Emergency and Disease thread but it look like what I call "nasty butt." Usually if you dose with Sulmet it will help that, but again get more expert advice as I am just guessing here.

Hope you find your answer, and do let us know!
I am not sure if I can put this on here or not, but I have two 2-day old chicks out of Birchen EE rooster and Araucana hens (not sure which ones on the hens but rumpless) for free if anyone is interested. The 2 EE Birchen roosters need good homes too along with a solid black one, all very beautiful. I am in Sweetwater if anyone is interested.
I am not sure if I can put this on here or not, but I have two 2-day old chicks out of Birchen EE rooster and Araucana hens (not sure which ones on the hens but rumpless) for free if anyone is interested. The 2 EE Birchen roosters need good homes too along with a solid black one, all very beautiful. I am in Sweetwater if anyone is interested.

I so wish I had room at the "Inn" for them as they would go well with my mixed flock. I would love to have some true Araucna or Ameraucana. I am sure you will find them a home.
I so wish I had room at the "Inn" for them as they would go well with my mixed flock. I would love to have some true Araucna or Ameraucana. I am sure you will find them a home.
The "mixed" flock was my problem! Did not know my Aruacana hens had "mixed" with the EE boys! When there is a will, there is a way lol!

I got them from TSC. They lady working did not know what kind they were or how old they were. I have had them for 8 weeks. I have 3 white pullets and 3 red pullets. I think the whites maybe White Leghorns. The red ones I am not sure about. I think one of the white pullets maybe a roo.
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I got them from TSC. They lady working did not know what kind they were or how old they were. I have had them for 8 weeks. I have 3 white pullets and 3 red pullets. I think the whites maybe Leghorns. The red ones I am not sure about. I think one of the white pullets maybe a roo.

I hope you can post pics. I wonder if the reds could be Rhode Island Reds (I think TSC carries a lot of those when they sell). If the whites are Leghorns then both should be prolific layers. You will have brown & white eggs. If you can post pics I am sure someone will know the breeds & I would be happy to guess about the sexes....keep in mind it would only be a guess.
Here's my LF buff Orps. They were hatched on March 19th & are Farthing/Clevenger cross. I have 10 chicks coming up. Here's a few of them.

I hope you can post pics. I wonder if the reds could be Rhode Island Reds (I think TSC carries a lot of those when they sell). If the whites are Leghorns then both should be prolific layers. You will have brown & white eggs. If you can post pics I am sure someone will know the breeds & I would be happy to guess about the sexes....keep in mind it would only be a guess.

Here are pictures of my six chickens. They would not stand still, so these are the better shots.
My 4 1/2 year daughter named them.





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They look very healthy & happy. I would guess the red/white are Red Sexlinks and the red probably a Rhode Island Red but I don't know anything about the whites but would would guess Leghorns. I didn't see one that really jumped out as a cockerel but I am not the best at sexing.

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