So here's the confusing question...


I run the Alien Chicken Asylum
9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
We have 2 leghorns laying (white eggs) and a Austrolorp laying (dark brown w/speckles) and one EE laying (light blue) and a White Rock laying (pale tannish brown)

We got this egg this morning...


Question: Is this a pinkish (speckley) egg from my other EE (who doesn't really look to me like she's reddened up enough yet) or is it from our barred rock? The two of them are the only ones left who haven't laid yet. The barred rock has looked like she was ready for weeks now.

All the hens in question are 25 wks today... Thankx for your input...
I bet it's the Barred Rock. Although mine has never laid eggs that pink, she does on occasion coat the egg with lavender speckles. Congrats! It's a very pretty egg!
Thankx guys... I've not had a barred rock before so didn't know what color her egg would be. Thankx for the compliments...we're quite happy about our colorful egg basket!!!

I also would say the barred rock because one of the reasons I went with a barred rock is they are known to lay pinkish-tan eggs, if not downright pink! I can't wait for her to start laying. For that matter, I can't wait for ANY of them to start laying!

One of the moderators on here used to have a chicken that laid mauve eggs. I can't remember who it was... Wynette, maybe. She had a picture of it on her avatar next to an assortment of other eggs her birds had laid.

And congratulations on the colorful eggbasket! They're gorgeous. And I bet super-yummy.
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