So I’ve decided to get ducks.

lol good one! Keep us updated on what you are doing we can help with a lot. Also not a good idea to put food and water inside like you can do with chickens. Ducks are very messy so once you get your ducklings up to around 6 weeks old they can go all night without food and water. Bedding for waterfowl needs to be absorbent I rec pine shavings I do deep litter in my houses and scoop out the wet poop and turn over and good to go add as needed.
My Pekins have a secure duck house with hardware cloth... the whole 9 yards.... and they rarely like to be in it during the day :lau
Even in our Michigan winters they're just 'chillin' in the snow with the cold wind. They get locked up at night but they go back to their house/pen by themselves
lol good one! Keep us updated on what you are doing we can help with a lot. Also not a good idea to put food and water inside like you can do with chickens. Ducks are very messy so once you get your ducklings up to around 6 weeks old they can go all night without food and water. Bedding for waterfowl needs to be absorbent I rec pine shavings I do deep litter in my houses and scoop out the wet poop and turn over and good to go add as needed.

Would straw be fine? I’ve got a lot of bales.
I use pine shavings for their nesting area but I prefer smaller size rocks with sand for the enclosure floor. Especially in the summer because I take the hose right in with me and rinse the poo away..... they're extremely messy from their bottom ends. Straw didn't work well for me with the ducks, it was actually a pain in the butt. You'll probably want something that you can either rinse, scoop or some easier method for cleaning up purposes.
Trial and error is a pain but a blessing in the long run
If you don’t train them to go inside where they can be locked up expect losses. Especially if you have just about every predator known to man,

So true.
I found the hard way that the only thing coons, coyotes, owls and skunk liked better than chicken was duck.
I never did lose a chicken to a predator but I did lose several ducks and goslings.

That was WAY back before I had a computer and WAY before BYC.
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