So I met this lady from Oklahoma


12 Years
May 2, 2011
Yucca Valley
I was at the liquor store and there was a lady and her husband there. She stated she was from Oklahoma and then said "How do you live in California with all of the earthquakes"? She said with an expression on her face like I was insane. I laughed and explained to her that an earthquake can shake up your house, the freeway that collapsed was due a lot to poor planning most damage is fixable and and there area affected is very localized. On the other hand a tornado will pick up your house and drop 5 miles down the road in a pile of kindling, it will do this to entire towns in one go. Seriously I would take an earthquake over a tornado ANY day. I said this while I was looking at her like she was insane for wanting to go back to Oklahoma. I spent a month in Oklahoma and I think I stared at the skies for 30 days straight!
Haven't you heard we are now the home (Oklahoma) of the "Quakenado" This past month we have had many, many earthquakes (3 - 5.6 scale) and for some of the worst of the earthquakes we were having tornados .................. at the same time!!!
The area I live in felt the quakes, but didn't get the damage that the epicenter got, some homes were made unlivable we don't build for earthquake resistance here. And while the tornados were pretty big they thankfully were in very low population areas. So yes we are fine thanks.
Yep, we get Quakes and 'Nados both. We also get floods and this summer had the worst drought and temps above 110 in a row in history. I moved here from Iowa 28 yrs ago. No matter how bad Oklahoma gets I do NOT miss hearing "70 below with wind chill" on the 6:00 news.
The people here in this state are hands down the most generous and helpful you'll find anywhere.
I'll always take earthquakes over any type of vortex. I've been through them, used to live right on a fault line, still live in a subduction zone, and I'm fine.

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