So, we're not supposed to call pets "pets"?

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I call my critters "kids". As in, come on kids, let's go! Things like that. As long as they are cared for, it shouldn't matter what they are called. Aren't there more important issues in the world?
redsoxs wrote: Welcome to our increasingly PC world where more and more people think they have a RIGHT to NOT be offended

All that is old is new again. During the U.S. `Gilded Age' (~1880's) `cultured/sensitive' `persons' felt compelled to refer to Chief Sitting Bull as the `slightly recumbent gentleman cow', the mere mention of chicken `leg' at the `proper' dinner table could cause a woman of a certain breeding to swoon away.

There is a puritanical strain running through our culture that erupts like a boil on left and right depending on the `season', spreading the stink of euphemism hither and yon.

Still combatting the use of `gender' when what is meant is `sex' (gender being the sociocultural construct of aspects and attributes that are associated with one or the other sex but often `borrowed'): end of `not getting past this peer's review' rant

Apologies for getting too heavy with the `petting'

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I call my fattest chicken, "Hey Fat Butt, let some of the others get some food," etc. But I use it in an endearing way. Animals can't even understand our 'word language,' why be upset over something as small as that?
Yeah, that's pretty ridiculous. I think people are getting WAY too carried away with all the political correctness now a days. I have a friend who's black, and one day we happened to be talking about something to do with politically correct stuff, and I asked him "Am I supposed to be saying African American or what?" He laughed and said, "We aren't all from Africa, so I say no. Just call me black and I'll call you white". We had a good laugh over that.
Meh. I think thats just stupid. There is a point were being PC just becomes rediculous... this would be one. Personally when Im talking to someone else I refer to them as either pets or sometimes what I call them (to them) "My kids"

Im a Mommy of two cats - Yoshi (male blue) and Yuki (female white), three dogs Tenchi (Schnauzer), Blossom (Schnoodle), and Daisy Mae (Pit Bull). I call all those my kids. I have lots of ducks and chickens but Im only getting one chicken attached to me and thats my Silkie. The rest are all free range and do their own thing. So they are just called my pets. They dont seem to mind this as long as I feed and water them LOL
Oh, my! We would be tarred and feathered and strung up around here! DH occassionally refers to the 2 chihuahuas we inherited "sh!$ eaters:" I can assure you from their response (jumping in his lap and licking him to death) they aren't the least bit offended! "Companion animal" sounds much more like a possession to me.
Of course, I'm sure that the "Service animal" reference will have to be changed now, too, unless they are being paid union wages for their services.
Is it just my PETs or what, I can call them anything and as long as I say it in a OOOocommmme heerre you blankity blank blank blank ( insert any curse or derogitory words you like), and they could care less!

The tone of your voice gets the response, not the words you use, at least that is true with my pets!
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