So, we're not supposed to call pets "pets"?

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Yeah, what exactly is the claim anyway; that the pets are offended or that people are offended when we call our pets 'pets'???

Regardless, it's just dumb, it really is.
Along the same strain..."Kids" are supposed to be goats, not children. How ridiculous is that? (this is according to "Dr. Laura". If you don't know who she is, that's O.K., you may be better off).
No, it's not just your pets (but you knew that)!
any pet I've had responds favorably to the gentle tone of voice and welcoming body language. Those people TRULY need to get lives of their own and MTOB.
I agree! Don't buy into this rubbish. We are going to Politically Correct our selves off the face of the earth-if we let them...
There are better things to worry about, for one, 9,000 employees from NASA just got their walking papers today.

Defies logic.
Hahahah! I would tell them that I find the term "Companion Animal" degrading, offensive and TOO long!!! I actually LOVE my pets. Not as friends or companions, but like family! I don't have children of my own, so my "companion animals" are my babies. My grandpa and I actually talked alot about how raising them is very similar to raising children. You have to teach them manners, take them to the doctor/vet teach them to mind you but also to think for themselves. You definately have to find new ways to entertain them as they grow. They have to learn to play well with others, but not to "talk" to strangers. (My 8 yr old won't take food from anyone he doesn't know unless they hand it to me and I approve it by handing it to him. He has even ignored a hamburger!) The main differences is that I don't have to worry about my babies growing out of their clothes, because they get to wear their birthday suits all their lives, they will never ask to borrow my car, and I don't have to save thousands for their college tuition!
Along the same strain..."Kids" are supposed to be goats, not children. How ridiculous is that? (this is according to "Dr. Laura". If you don't know who she is, that's O.K., you may be better off).

yup, you are definatly better off not knowing who she is!
on the rest of what I think of her
Well I better put out some food for the free ranging rats. Looks like raccoons will free range with the chickens and I'll have to hatch more companion animals so I don't deprive free rangers of food.
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