SOLD-Ameraucanas/Marans/Faverolles heavy pics added

Thanks for answering my questions. I'm not very modern & don't have paypal, so if somebody only takes that I have to get my daughter to pay for me. She's modern. I've been thinking of getting some favs & the wheaten/blue Am when it gets alittle warmer. Does the shipping double on 1/2 dozen of each? I know I'm being a pest,
but I'm trying to weigh all my options. Thanks.
Could've sworn that was the Panhandle!!! ha ha

I am getting my first set of eggs!!! I am soo sooo sooo thankful. Can't wait to see the little babies hatch in a few weeks!!!!

Thank you again ---
AHHH why won't this evil little sikie just go broody I want some more Salm favs ! and blue wheaten and wheatens! and Marans ! maybe 2 of each under the evil little beast when she finally goes maybe in spring and Ameraucan and Marans will go and I can fit more eggs under them
when I leave I will give my mom your number.

Bumpkin sent you a PM. I'm planning a trip over to Melissa's in the spring to pick up some eggs (so they don't get scrambled in the mail, just my Explorer). Would be glad to bring yours along too if there is a place we can meet, depending on where in the state you are located (we are central La.). Let me know.

If my Myrtle goes broody it would be a dream come true! otherwise, still have my 2 bators & hatching is burning a hole in me right now--but have to get the year end closed on 2 companies I work for, 1 is closing down for good Dec 31st & new tenants
coming in to rent the space so a whole new thing to get used to, so very busy the next month-
Henry where are you going?

OK I got another interesting question about how we deal with 'the list' and I had to give it some thought... Since I have my other 'chicken philosophy' buried in this thread I thought I'd add my answer here.

Waiting list depends on breed and when you want your eggs. We keep a list for spring by month desired, then move on to the next month but offer eggs that are not taken by the next buyer on our list to someone from the previous month if there was someone who didn't get eggs in their month, if that makes sense. Once you refuse you sort of go to the bottom of the pile... It is super busy in spring and some people just can't take shipment in Feb, Mar, or even April due to weather so it is the only "fair' way we could figure. The lucky folks are the ones who live where they can take shipment Jan and Feb they usualy get whatever they want. Anyone who missed out usualy gets another chance in June.

Once it gets too hot here, July and Aug. we usualy stop shipping but have made exceptions to those willing to wait for a mild day and/or pay for overnight mail. That is usualy when we do our own hatching and provide chicks to the local folks and raise our layers for next year.

Hope this makes sense to everyone. We try to make sure that folks that want eggs get them. The bigger problem last year was folks that had one foam 'bator and when they 'came up' the 'bator was full and would be for 2-3 weeks.

Here is how I deal with getting eggs I want in the bator when I hatch in foam incubators... I use two. I mark my eggs with the date they need to be moved off the turner...18 days from when set. Then on that day I put them in the incubator without a turner which we refer to as the 'hatcher'. It's all low tech but highly sucessful for not being stuck for three weeks waiting for eggs to hatch....

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