Some people.....UGH!


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
Castroville, Texas
I wound up with an extra araucana banty rooster and today a woman got after me for trying to sell him.

Here's the story. She came in looking for chickens that..."take care of themselves" as to where she would just set them loose all day and they could run away from all the coyotes and raccoons and what else she may have out in the country... And she even asked me:

"You know...out in the country? You know what the country is right?"

I'm like.....uuuuuh....lady this is considered the country. I wish I could express how condescending she was being! She didn't want to buy my RIRs as they are "too fat and lazy" anything can eat them. Orpingtons are golden fried nuggets for coyotes and banties are not worth anything according to her. At this point I feel she just moved out here and was trying to sound like she knew it all about birds.

She called my gosling a duck and when I told her he was a gosling she started off on how she hated geese. How one broke her fingers on one of her hands by biting her. She was I guess trying to make me think about getting rid of my poor little goose-goose which I wouldn't.

She then saw my little bird section in the shop and went to a cage and said:

"WOW! Are these guineas!" She looked with a hopeful smile.

I explained to her that they were quail. She then asked about my Texas AM quail as she didn't know quail came in white. I told her the breed and she then said:

"Oh! You go to Texas AM then!"

I told her I don't that it was the name of the breed and they were developed there. That they can be purchased from a lot of different breeders now.

At this point the araucana banty I keep at the shop crowed. And she started talking about how she had 4 roosters and a bunch of hens. She started telling me how proud she was of her "araucandas" and how pretty their eggs were and the different color patterns. I didn't want to correct her as she sounded like she had a bunch of EEs to me but then she started with talking down to me again.

"Araucandas are so pretty and good chickens! Do you know what an aruacandas is?"

I told her it was araucana and she 'corrected' me that it was araucandas. Because it has a "d" in it and a "s" at the end she said. And she said she was sure it was because I never saw an araucandas before that I said the name wrong. So I told her what she had was EEs especially since she mentioned they had leg feathering on hers and had green and pink eggs. And then I showed her Oreo my clean faced rumpless araucana banty that was for sale and told her that he was an araucana and that was what the breed should look like except with the tufts of feathers which Oreo was lacking.

I was promptly told I was selling fake 'araucandas' and that he looked nothing like hers and I should be ashamed of myself. And that he was a bantam to top it all and they are worthless!

Soon as she got done snapping at me she asked for a bathroom which I don't have in my shop and let her know so. She argued with me and asked where I go. I told her when one of my family comes to watch the shop I leave to the house and that wasn't any of her buisness anyways. So finally she leaves...or I thought she did...

I sat down at my desk and see her go past the door and around behind the fireworks stand on the property. I got up and started for the window to see what was going on. And for a terrified two to three minutes I thought she was going to drop drawer and whiz behind the fireworks stand! I started for the door when I saw her squatting. Though luckily she was only picking up soda cans. I relaxed when I saw her head for her car and finally leave! That's a whole sackful of dumb. Not to mention, why go to all the trouble of shopping around for a bird that's going to be eaten by something within a fortnight. If she comes in again, you ought to paste some feathers to a cat and sell it as a new kind of self-sufficient chicken.
Oh my. People like that just make you want to hit them...real hard. Believe me, we get some dumb people at the pet store...
Oh man, that is too funny! Though I am sure it wasn't so funny to you at the time.
If she had all these Aruacandas, why would she want anything else? LoL
WOW that is beyond ridiculous. I think you're right. I think she was DESPERATELY trying to sound like she knew she was talking about, and it seems that she convinced herself somewhere along the line. That's a whole sackful of dumb. Not to mention, why go to all the trouble of shopping around for a bird that's going to be eaten by something within a fortnight. If she comes in again, you ought to paste some feathers to a cat and sell it as a new kind of self-sufficient chicken.

Holy crap that was funny!!!​
Oh my. People like that just make you want to hit them...real hard. Believe me, we get some dumb people at the pet store...

I believe you! ANd far as hitting....oh yeah! Only if I could have!

Oh man, that is too funny! Though I am sure it wasn't so funny to you at the time.
If she had all these Aruacandas, why would she want anything else? LoL

Lol yep now that she left and I've had time to cool off I see the humor in it. While it was going on I could have killed for an asprin!

WOW that is beyond ridiculous. I think you're right. I think she was DESPERATELY trying to sound like she knew she was talking about, and it seems that she convinced herself somewhere along the line.

Yup, especially since she claimed she feeds her chickens nothing that she lets them run free all day and that all she had to worry about was coyotes and wild dogs, and raccoons getting her chickens. So she wanted "really fast chickens" that can take care of themselves. She said she had no time for chickens that have to be looked after. She just wants to collect eggs and leave it to the chickens to do everything else on their own.

to the lady!

Man she sure got guts to do a showdown on you and she LOST!

LOL! Big time! I have no idea where she got her info on chickens! But I am 100% glad she did not buy anything from me! I would not feel right with myself sending any of my birds home with her!​

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