some think that gun laws are unconstitutional

I want to answer these points in two parts..

It might be cuckoo cuckoo, but an alarming number of Americans are becoming dissatisfied with the way our government is being run. The government is enacting policiy that the majority of us don't want.. Vehemently protest, and the only non violent way we can react is to vote them out or recall them? Sometimes that takes years. In the case of our Elected President, I don't think he'll be re-elected. One of his backyard bbq town hall whatchamacallits... He said he's doing what HE thinks is right for US regardless of what we think for THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.. said that... national television. Doesn't care what we think.. he's the big guy, he's gonna do what 75% of us are opposed to. Hm...?

Actually I think as a nation we're too soft on criminals. I think if folks knew the penalty was as harsh as the crime, things would change. This may be slightly off topic, but a nutjob shoots up a school, you hang him and say a prayer for his soul... A sicko rapes women or children? Strap him down, juice him up and watch him twitch. There are some folks that were wired wrong. No amount of fixing will help. Suddenly, those who are borederline but still have choice.. choose not to live the easy life where you take what you want because no matter what happens,if you get caught, you will get 3 square meals a day, a bed, healthcare, HBO and all the free time in the world.

But none of that justifies walking around with a gun tucked down the back of your trousers.

If you don't like a government, vote it out, don't shoot it out. If the penalties for violent crimes are insufficient, vote to get them changed. Make a stink on a website or in the newspapers. One man with a gun won't make anything better and, one day, the gun might just kill the wrong person.

But that's the beauty of the constitution.. it isn't just one man with 1 gun..
But none of that justifies walking around with a gun tucked down the back of your trousers.

If you don't like a government, vote it out, don't shoot it out. If the penalties for violent crimes are insufficient, vote to get them changed. Make a stink on a website or in the newspapers. One man with a gun won't make anything better and, one day, the gun might just kill the wrong person.

But that's the beauty of the constitution.. it isn't just one man with 1 gun..

A bit like Afghanistan, then.
But that's the beauty of the constitution.. it isn't just one man with 1 gun..

A bit like Afghanistan, then.

I want to answer these points in two parts..

It might be cuckoo cuckoo, but an alarming number of Americans are becoming dissatisfied with the way our government is being run. The government is enacting policiy that the majority of us don't want.. Vehemently protest, and the only non violent way we can react is to vote them out or recall them? Sometimes that takes years. In the case of our Elected President, I don't think he'll be re-elected. One of his backyard bbq town hall whatchamacallits... He said he's doing what HE thinks is right for US regardless of what we think for THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.. said that... national television. Doesn't care what we think.. he's the big guy, he's gonna do what 75% of us are opposed to. Hm...?

Actually I think as a nation we're too soft on criminals. I think if folks knew the penalty was as harsh as the crime, things would change. This may be slightly off topic, but a nutjob shoots up a school, you hang him and say a prayer for his soul... A sicko rapes women or children? Strap him down, juice him up and watch him twitch. There are some folks that were wired wrong. No amount of fixing will help. Suddenly, those who are borederline but still have choice.. choose not to live the easy life where you take what you want because no matter what happens,if you get caught, you will get 3 square meals a day, a bed, healthcare, HBO and all the free time in the world.

Please provide the video with sound of him saying that. Just because some Yahoo on your favorite radio show said it doesn't make that true. Provide the video and I will be astounded. Obama is not Bush. At least not in most ways.

I agree we are too soft on criminals. If there is absolute proof they should be punished. I wouldn't say prayers for their souls either. The problem is those that are unjustly jailed. Besides I think that rapist should just lose their instrument then go to the slammer. That way all they have is orifices.

Portions of America have always been dissatisfied when the guy in office has ideas that differ from theirs. That's politics. If the unemployment drops you will see the same guy again. No reason to break out the pop gun and start shooting at the feds. Like you said the only way is to vote them out. Be careful of what you vote for. You might get just what you voted for and need all those canned goods in the basement.
"It worked for 250 years".

250 years ago, this was not a country like it is now, and war was not like it is now, and invasions were not like they are now. 250 years ago, the most crucial factor in many battles was horses. That's no longer how the world is.

As usual the pro gun people don't give anyone a chance to defend, or even to say what they think. And anyone who thinks anything else other than total gun freedom, is WRONG or just brushed off and ignored. Clearly the majority here are totally pro gun and totally anti almost any form of gun control and clearly this is not the place to discuss any other point of view or get an even remotely balanced look at the issue.

There are plenty of studies and statistics that show lack of specific forms of gun control law leads to more crimes and more death. The only information being presented here is all pro gun. Everything else is 'wrong'. Some discussion. As long as you agree, you're fine.
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I want to answer these points in two parts..

It might be cuckoo cuckoo, but an alarming number of Americans are becoming dissatisfied with the way our government is being run. The government is enacting policiy that the majority of us don't want.. Vehemently protest, and the only non violent way we can react is to vote them out or recall them? Sometimes that takes years. In the case of our Elected President, I don't think he'll be re-elected. One of his backyard bbq town hall whatchamacallits... He said he's doing what HE thinks is right for US regardless of what we think for THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.. said that... national television. Doesn't care what we think.. he's the big guy, he's gonna do what 75% of us are opposed to. Hm...?

Actually I think as a nation we're too soft on criminals. I think if folks knew the penalty was as harsh as the crime, things would change. This may be slightly off topic, but a nutjob shoots up a school, you hang him and say a prayer for his soul... A sicko rapes women or children? Strap him down, juice him up and watch him twitch. There are some folks that were wired wrong. No amount of fixing will help. Suddenly, those who are borederline but still have choice.. choose not to live the easy life where you take what you want because no matter what happens,if you get caught, you will get 3 square meals a day, a bed, healthcare, HBO and all the free time in the world.

Please provide the video with sound of him saying that. Just because some Yahoo on your favorite radio show said it doesn't make that true. Provide the video and I will be astounded. Obama is not Bush. At least not in most ways.

I agree we are too soft on criminals. If there is absolute proof they should be punished. I wouldn't say prayers for their souls either. The problem is those that are unjustly jailed. Besides I think that rapist should just lose their instrument then go to the slammer. That way all they have is orifices.

Portions of America have always been dissatisfied when the guy in office has ideas that differ from theirs. That's politics. If the unemployment drops you will see the same guy again. No reason to break out the pop gun and start shooting at the feds. Like you said the only way is to vote them out. Be careful of what you vote for. You might get just what you voted for and need all those canned goods in the basement.

I watched it on tv so I will head over to google to see if I can find a web reference.
There are plenty of studies and statistics that show lack of specific forms of gun control law leads to more crimes and more death. The only information being presented here is all pro gun. Everything else is 'wrong'. Some discussion. As long as you agree, you're fine.

What's stopping you from presenting your evidence?

If there are "plenty of studies" , it should be no trouble to show some​
I want to answer these points in two parts..

It might be cuckoo cuckoo, but an alarming number of Americans are becoming dissatisfied with the way our government is being run. The government is enacting policiy that the majority of us don't want.. Vehemently protest, and the only non violent way we can react is to vote them out or recall them? Sometimes that takes years. In the case of our Elected President, I don't think he'll be re-elected. One of his backyard bbq town hall whatchamacallits... He said he's doing what HE thinks is right for US regardless of what we think for THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.. said that... national television. Doesn't care what we think.. he's the big guy, he's gonna do what 75% of us are opposed to. Hm...?

Actually I think as a nation we're too soft on criminals. I think if folks knew the penalty was as harsh as the crime, things would change. This may be slightly off topic, but a nutjob shoots up a school, you hang him and say a prayer for his soul... A sicko rapes women or children? Strap him down, juice him up and watch him twitch. There are some folks that were wired wrong. No amount of fixing will help. Suddenly, those who are borederline but still have choice.. choose not to live the easy life where you take what you want because no matter what happens,if you get caught, you will get 3 square meals a day, a bed, healthcare, HBO and all the free time in the world.

Please provide the video with sound of him saying that. Just because some Yahoo on your favorite radio show said it doesn't make that true. Provide the video and I will be astounded. Obama is not Bush. At least not in most ways.

I agree we are too soft on criminals. If there is absolute proof they should be punished. I wouldn't say prayers for their souls either. The problem is those that are unjustly jailed. Besides I think that rapist should just lose their instrument then go to the slammer. That way all they have is orifices.

Portions of America have always been dissatisfied when the guy in office has ideas that differ from theirs. That's politics. If the unemployment drops you will see the same guy again. No reason to break out the pop gun and start shooting at the feds. Like you said the only way is to vote them out. Be careful of what you vote for. You might get just what you voted for and need all those canned goods in the basement.

It was during this town hall meeting.. Obviously I am not going to rewatch all of it to find exact time but these video's are broken up into 10 minute segments and go part one part two etc.
Surely you're not serious?

Let me answer by turning it back to you. When since 1918 did anyone win a war with only handguns and rifles? I'm sorry if my previous words failed to carry my meaning clearly.

I'll ask you also if you think it's realistic to believe that the US may be invaded in such a way? I dread to think that someone so gullible and naive as to believe such tosh should own a gun.

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