some think that gun laws are unconstitutional

What's stopping me is this discussion itself. Look at it. Read it. There is absolutely no point in presenting anything else except pro gun stuff in this discussion. It will be picked apart and voila! It will all be wrong! Or ignored. Not discussed, not even considered or pondered over for a single second. It is just plain old WRONG. Anything that does not support free use of guns is 'WRONG' in this discussion.

This is not a balanced discussion.
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Oh I agree. I put forth my reasons and was told a page or so back that I'm cuckoo and I must get all my information from radio show entertainers.
The conversation being balanced or how to balance gun control? Sorry, coffee is wearing off.

ETA: I get it now. No I don't think this is a balanced discussion. Folks are going to stick to their guns (bad pun I know) and never give an inch.
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I'm inclined to agree with that. A reasonable response would be to accept that there is opposition to guns for all and discuss a solution. However, I'm reading the defensive attitude of some as a sign that they know their argument in favour of gun waving is weak. Guns mean death; there's no denying that. Too many guns are in the hands of those who should not have them. Therefore, liberal gun laws are dangerous to society.

There you are, guns-for-all lobbyists are LIBERALS. That should change things.
I'm inclined to agree with that. A reasonable response would be to accept that there is opposition to guns for all and discuss a solution. However, I'm reading the defensive attitude of some as a sign that they know their argument in favour of gun waving is weak. Guns mean death; there's no denying that. Too many guns are in the hands of those who should not have them. Therefore, liberal gun laws are dangerous to society.

There you are, guns-for-all lobbyists are LIBERALS. That should change things.

Texas is not an open carry state for hand guns, but it is for rifles. You don't have to register hand guns just have the license to carry them. Most box and sporting goods stores require that you register them though before they sell you one.

And this discussion has gotten to deep for me. I think education is key as stated before, and I'm keepin my mouthshut on the rest of it.
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Name calling is uncalled for. But some points from my "Pro-Gun" viewpoint.

Up until recently Cook County in Illinois had a ban on the ownership of handguns. It included possession of one in the confines of ones own home.
Cook County led the state of Illinois in handgun related crimes.
So there was a law in place making possession illegal yet criminals still used them yet law abiding citizens followed the law.
Who is being punished there?

Illinois also has a Firearms Ownership ID card. It is required for the purchase of ammunition or firearms. How many gang bangers have valid FOID cards?

How many "Gun Free Zone" signs have stopped shootings?
I have yet to see anyone show proof that having guns raise the rates of homicide. Its all people saying they don't like guns so they are bad.

Actually the biggest killings are usually done with fertilizer an fuel or airplanes. Do we ban them. What about knives? Then cars?

Seen quite a few homicides using knives an several with cars an one with a rock. In 13 years as a firemen I have never actually seen one with a gun in my county. An we have a very high gun ownership rate here.

Suicide by gun is about 1 in 10 suicide here. Its usually knifes, pills an cars. In that order.

There have been a few men with guns holding off the might of the US armed forces for the last several years. I dont think anyone that has read our casualty reports are going to downplay the power of a few men in the mountains with guns. The average hunting club or gun ranges can scrape together 1000+ armed trained men here in hours if needed that can shoot skilfully at 1/2 mile or more. Probably never be needed but it is there.
"It's all people who hate guns"

According to you. And that is why this discussion is so lopsided. Facts are dismissed with 'it's all just people who hate guns'.

It is not.

"Every report of gun violence in the US makes me glad for our very restrictive gun laws which give Australia one of the lowest rates of gun homicide in the world. "

The US has a gun homicide RATE (not count, RATE) that is 14 times higher than Australia.

But it is hard to compare countries, and ineffective gun control laws are not exactly the same as effective gun control laws.

For example, The VA Tech shooter, despite a lengthy history of severe mental illness and being adjudged as a 'danger to self and others' was able to get hold of enough weaponry and ammunition to create a gigantic blood bath. The 'Brady Act' in Md did not stop a severe shooting there, either.

It is not clear to me that 'effective gun control' = 'any gun control'. A closer examination and study of existing state and fed gun control laws and how they compare in what they are and how they are carried out is probably a good place to begin.

The stats on gun ownership bear out that this is not just a political (party) issue but also a regional one.
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