Someone explain Bob Marshall to me

What an utterly ridiculous, cruel thing for anybody to say - much less a man who is supposed to be a fine upstanding Christian man.

Just another shining example of why separation of state and religion should ALWAYS be enforced. I'm not a Christian and I don't agree with most Christian beliefs, but I certainly don't want an individual with this type of skewed beliefs deciding anything for our country.

Someone here mentioned Jerry Falwell - I live not far from Lynchburg, VA, and there were a lot of people dancing in the streets when his hold on that community ended.
What an utterly ridiculous, cruel thing for anybody to say - much less a man who is supposed to be a fine upstanding Christian man... I certainly don't want an individual with this type of skewed beliefs deciding anything for our country.
Doesn't it just blow your mind that no matter how INSANE a person's beliefs are, there are always people ready to follow that person or that person's ideas??? The nutjobs of this world just baffle me.
Doesn't it just blow your mind that no matter how INSANE a person's beliefs are, there are always people ready to follow that person or that person's ideas??? The nutjobs of this world just baffle me.

YES !!! Even after Jim Baker has been proven to be the worst kind of fraud, there is not a doubt in my mind that if he started up another TV evangelist program again, he would still have a gazillion followers. I don't get it? Some people just can't think for themselves - they have to be TOLD what to think. It is just beyond my comprehension.
Your post brought this to mind

Some people are just donkeys. They think that if they say something enough times, with enough conviction, their lies will become truth. Unfortunately some people do believe them, and they pass on those lies.

The dude probably heard something like "research shows that most spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) are the result of fetal birth defects" and put abortion and birth defects together in his head; not understanding they were talking about miscarriages and fetal abnormalities.

The idea that god would handicap a child to make it's parents pay is perverse, and ugly.
People tend to hold a Christian to a higher standard. Any one else gets a free pass. Which is worse being told what to think or being told what to think and not realizing you are being told?

YES !!! Even after Jim Baker has been proven to be the worst kind of fraud, there is not a doubt in my mind that if he started up another TV evangelist program again, he would still have a gazillion followers. I don't get it? Some people just can't think for themselves - they have to be TOLD what to think. It is just beyond my comprehension.

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