Okay y'all I am back with an update and *GRAPHIC* some pictures. I did notice today the swelling went down some. He's still eating, drinking and walking around as normal today. I manage to squeeze liquid pus out today and pick more yellow chunks out. I packed the wound with Neosporin (without pain relief agent) mixed with sugar. I coated the top with hydrocortisone cream and a little bit of Nystatin ointment. I did call a vet today, and he suggested 1/2 ML of penicillin orally (thats all I had) and Homer (rooster) complied very well with me opening his beak and swollowed it right down. I am so happy he's finally on antibiotics and I got alot more of the infection out. I did clean it really good flushing it with very warm water. I will be unwrapping again tomorrow and checking it out, cleaning, flushing and applying more ointment in it, and re wrapping. I have been nursing the wound the past couple days and I do see a change in the swelling. I'm hoping the antibiotics really help him out too. My concern today was alot of bleeding. I applied pressure and flushed more and thats when I decided to put the medicine in and wrapping it there was enough blood I couldn't see to work and it was kinda pouring out.


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The amoxicillin dose is 125 mg/kg, and that one you have pictured is 80 mg/ml, so it's 0.71 ml per pound of body weight twice a day (~3.55 ml per five pounds twice a day).
I did call a vet today, and he suggested 1/2 ML of penicillin orally
Which penicillin?
Okay y'all I am back with an update and *GRAPHIC* some pictures. I did notice today the swelling went down some. He's still eating, drinking and walking around as normal today. I manage to squeeze liquid pus out today and pick more yellow chunks out. I packed the wound with Neosporin (without pain relief agent) mixed with sugar. I coated the top with hydrocortisone cream and a little bit of Nystatin ointment. I did call a vet today, and he suggested 1/2 ML of penicillin orally (thats all I had) and Homer (rooster) complied very well with me opening his beak and swollowed it right down. I am so happy he's finally on antibiotics and I got alot more of the infection out. I did clean it really good flushing it with very warm water. I will be unwrapping again tomorrow and checking it out, cleaning, flushing and applying more ointment in it, and re wrapping. I have been nursing the wound the past couple days and I do see a change in the swelling. I'm hoping the antibiotics really help him out too. My concern today was alot of bleeding. I applied pressure and flushed more and thats when I decided to put the medicine in and wrapping it there was enough blood I couldn't see to work and it was kinda pouring out.

You freaking rock! Good for you! I'm so glad a vet was compassionate to your circumstances and willing to consult! We're here if you need anything but I think you're doing a remarkable thing under far less then ideal circumstances!

The amoxicillin dose is 125 mg/kg, and that one you have pictured is 80 mg/ml, so it's 0.71 ml per pound of body weight twice a day (~3.55 ml per five pounds twice a day).

Which penicillin?

Okay. I will change that. He told me that because I dont really know how much Homer weighs. He is a very large bird! How do you weigh them?
I agree you should/can up the dose of the penicillin to better equate the amount for his size. You don't want to under dose him because he'll (well, his infection) develop a resistance to it and it'll be that much harder to kill the infection.

To weigh him just weigh yourself alone, then get back on with him and that'll give you a rough estimate.
You freaking rock! Good for you! I'm so glad a vet was compassionate to your circumstances and willing to consult! We're here if you need anything but I think you're doing a remarkable thing under far less then ideal circumstances!


Thank you so much! I'm happy that I see progress and I hope to keep seeing it. Ill be over there with him everyday till he gets better. :) Def gonna do everything I can for him.

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