
Jul 5, 2021
Hello, we have four ducks a month old almost exactly. They just started spending days outside. It is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. They have water and food in a 5x5 pen I made them.

Recently, starting this morning, one of our little ones, Peanut, has been acting lethargic. She sits there with her eyes half closed. She stands up when you try to pick her up, but doesn't go quacking and running around like the rest of them do. She just let's you grab her and she stays there in your hands with her legs hanging down. I took her out of the pen and walked away with her then set her down, she ran after me and back to the pen to her siblings. When I picked her up and put her back in she didn't care about me picking her up, which is unusual as can be. Then she drank some water, and sat down. She's been sitting all day. Just eyes closed. When I come over she half opens her eyes.

I can tell something is wrong, but this is my first time owning ducks, so I have no idea what's up, and no idea what to do. She's not panting like she's too hot or anything. The water is cool and the grass is wet so she's not burning up in the sun.

Any advice or anything will be appreciated. Thank you.
The symptoms don't scream anything specific, but it definitely sounds like something is going on since she's lethargic.

What feed are your ducks on? What's the set up like? Anything they can get into if they are free ranging?
Any unusual droppings?
The symptoms don't scream anything specific, but it definitely sounds like something is going on since she's lethargic.

What feed are your ducks on? What's the set up like? Anything they can get into if they are free ranging?
Any unusual droppings?
They're eating Purina FLOCK RAISER crumbles poultry feed. And get treats of dried soldier fly larvae. Yesterday they had a couple dandelion greens and a couple of the other ducks scarfed down the dandelion flowers. Only range inside of their 5 foot by 5 foot pen. It's on grass.
They're eating Purina FLOCK RAISER crumbles poultry feed. And get treats of dried soldier fly larvae. Yesterday they had a couple dandelion greens and a couple of the other ducks scarfed down the dandelion flowers. Only range inside of their 5 foot by 5 foot pen. It's on grass.
Do they get grit?
@Pyxis @Isaac 0
Then I do no think so. That's something I've gotta get at a store?
Generally if they have access to dirt, their grit needs are taken care of. It's only if they cannot get to the soil that it becomes an issue - like if the ground is frozen or they are cooped all of the time.
Sounds like feed is good - have you checked for mold?
Maybe add some liquid vitamin b complex to give a boost.
Do the ducks have access to water deep enough to dip their heads in?
Generally if they have access to dirt, their grit needs are taken care of. It's only if they cannot get to the soil that it becomes an issue - like if the ground is frozen or they are cooped all of the time.
Sounds like feed is good - have you checked for mold?
Maybe add some liquid vitamin b complex to give a boost.
Do the ducks have access to water deep enough to dip their heads in?
Yes to deep water. I make sure they have all the basic water needs 100% taken care of. Will look into mold possibilities in their nighttime indoor brooder. And vitamin B. Thanks
So, are they still in the brooder and you're just now introducing to the grass outside? If so, it could be coccidiosis. When in the brooder, they should be given clumps of soil to get their immunity built up to the local cocci. I would get them all started on corid asap. This happens quite often when birds come from brooder to the outdoors if they've not been offered clumps of soil from their yard. It can happen even if they've been offered the soil or even with chicks receiving medicated feed.
I'm sorry, I misunderstood their set up. If they aren't outside foraging, I would offer grit in a separate dish since they are getting extra treats other than their crumbles.

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