Something sticking out of my duck rear end help

It's a boy


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It's probably his penis sticking out. He would normally have it inside out of sight, so having it stick out means there is a problem.

Here is an article that addresses that situation:

I don't have much personal knowledge of ducks.
@Miss Lydia I remember that you are good with ducks. Any specific advice? (Either for dealing with this condition, or about who else would know.)
How long has it been out like this? and can you get a better picture? is it still pink or has it started to die? I'd place the drake in some cool water let him soak and then lube it up if it isn't swollen and try and gently push it back inside.
Definitely need better pictures. I'd also keep him away from the rest of the flock so no one grabs hold of it.
I just noticed it today an he is separate from the others


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Let him soak, then try and push it back in you want to keep it moist so it doesn't dry out. If he fights being held wrap him in a towel so you can work on him without his fighting you. You may have to try many times until it stays, Or you can get a vet to put a stitch in to keep in it.

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