Something unusual happened here today

My freeloaders are finally starting to produce. I have 27 hens and 4 roosters. I'm getting up to 13 eggs a day, usually around 8.

But since I'm not home during the day they don't get their exercise time out in the yard so they are going through the food.
I imagine that part of the reason I am not getting eggs is BECAUSE they are out in the yard and may be hiding them. I need to do a good hunt for eggs tomorrow now that I'm not working dawn to dark. I am fairly sure though, that there haven't been many eggs or my dog would have found them and I would have found the shells all over the yard. Plus the penned birds were not laying either. So now we wait and watch.
Have you noticed the dogs coat has a real nice glow now???

Ha! Not especially so she must not be eating them.

I found 10 eggs withing 24 hours yesterday. These ladies are on a roll!
Thanks! We got our first Marans eggs yesterday. How exciting. So now I have Speckled Sussex, White Orps, Marans, and Buff Orps laying. How 'bout the Easter Eggers? It would really make my son's day if they would start laying. Free loaders LOL!
Now Buster... you know why you're not getting those eggs dont you? (hands over her June Cleaver apron and heels)


TAPOUT!! (i win!) hee hee hee

Congrats on finding the hidden eggs ...betcha feel like the easter bunny huh?
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