Sorry - but this lady has us all beat!

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Well, if you look at teh stained glass windows, there is a very definite religious thread going on. I think the writeup talks about it...

well sure, i get that..but still. i wouldve used something other than rubber chickens. statuary maybe?
I would almost feel unholy my chicken pooped in it.

Dont worry, The Coronel forgives.​
Um is that some kinda cult thingy perhaps??? Keep your rubber chickens under lock and key!!

From the link I posted:
There are 8 glass stained glass windows in all. The windows tell the story of Christ depicted as a rooster. The rooster is the symbol of Christ (in my work). The words in the west windows say "Hen House" in the Latin alphabet, Latin being the language of the church. Inside the coop, the ceiling is painted a sky blue with 300 tin stars attached. The chandelier is wrought iron with ceramic chickens and gold gilt eggs. The chickens represent the 12 deciples, and Christ. The four gilt eggs represent the four apostles.

I have also painted a picture of an icon depicting Pnelope, Patron Saint of Chickens (made up Saint), along with rubber chickens of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Soon, it will have a Mosaic Foundation in red, blue, green and yellow tile, and a steeple.

My chickens don't know that their coop is not finished!!!

It has been a two and a half year project. It took me one year to build the windows.

My artwork is quite odd to most people. It is mostly chicken saints and icons, some in watercolor and some in neon. I am having a good time, anyway.

I am included in many art shows, but few people actually buy.

Thank-You for your interest, I do love my chickens!!!​
Dont worry, The Coronel forgives.

Hahahahaha.....Do I need to do any hail mary's or our fathers, because deficating on holy chicken ground i'm sure is fire worthy.

Gosh, I wish I had the time to decorate a coop like that...well, not exactly like THAT....
NOW this has some potential for FL!! been wondering how to plant stuff on the roof to cool it down.

I LOVE The all white coop!! absolutely stunning!! in FL it would NOT stay white for long! Love the creativity of it and the storage space and the doors to clean it out!
I do like the use of the brackets in the door on the Le Palais de Poulet. They act as gussets adding support to the door frame. I'm building my coop now and maybe I'll keep my eye out for some inexpensive brackets like that at flea markets and antique stores. They add a little whimsy to the whole thing.

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