
Aug 8, 2021
My rooster is gasping for air. His voice is extremely groggy and his breathing from his mouth. I don't what to do the vet is not available till next three hours.
Please help me what should i do??
Hi there, can you see anything in his mouth, nose or throat? Is he losing consciousness? What does he eat?
No i can't see anything in the nose or mouth no visible cankers? Yes He is getting a lil droopy?
He is not eating anything which is scaring me
Hello! Im so sorry this happened. I don’t know honestly much of what this could be, however i will give you advice im for sure on.

Remain calm and separate the bird. Make sure the bird is calm, and there aren’t loud noises to further spook him.

How long has this been going on for? Is it possible he could be choking?

What time is it there for you? Asking incase you need to pick something up at a store.
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Hello! Im so sorry this happened. I don’t know honestly much of what this could be, however i will give you advice im for sure on.

Remain calm and separate the bird. Make sure the bird is calm, and there aren’t loud noises to further spook him.

How long has this been going on for? Is he improving? Is it possible he could be choking?

What time is it there for you? Asking incase you need to pick something up at a store.
Yes he is calm and stopped gasping for air
But his voice is still groggy
He was been sick for the past 1 month
Please open i made a new one because today it got worse but he is little fine.
Its currently 8 50 am the vet comes at 10
Please do suggest me any med which i buy if available
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Is it possible he could be suffering from gapeworm? Is he gaping?
He is not gaping now as i gave handfed some water and IBU prescribed by vet (which i went for checkup yesterday)
The climate is constantly changing is that could be the reason for the sickness?

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