South Carolina

I can't help you with Silkies. But I CAN Say Welcome to BYC!! Nice to see you here.

Someone Like Carolina Chicken Keeper can help with silkies. If nothing else. if you get some hatching eggs. I'm sure one of us close to you will run them through the incubator for you.

Do you know where I can buy some Silkie chicks?
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I have Silkie chicks hatched out. They are under the mama hen right now, about 4 days old. They are quite adorable. A partridge, a dark blue or black and one yellow.
Otherwise I have tons of Sizzle chicks and can't say if they will be Sizzled or Silkied, unless they are over 1 week old. I have all ages.
Thank you for the response. I am new to chicken care-taking. I bought my first 3, Rode Island Reds, at TSC this last Easter. My kids did real well with them but a forest creature of some sort got to them last week and they were all killed. I'd like to start over with new chicks and thought maybe it would be fun to get several different breeds. Is that ok? Will they fight if they are not the same? I have no idea what to get but the boys want at least one Sikie. I wonder if there is someone local that could show me the different breeds and school me a bit on what would be the best breed to buy?

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