South Carolina

YOU, sorry. I thought when I responded the original quote was noted. I'm still getting used to the site. I looked up your website, would love to get more info and see what you have for sale.

Welcome BethanySC!
Glad you found us! Hang out and chat! There are so many wonderful peeps here!
YOU, sorry.  I thought when I responded the original quote was noted.  I'm still getting used to the site.  I looked up your website, would love to get more info and see what you have for sale.

I pm'd you two links with helpful info regarding different breeds. And, no not all breeds can be kept together.

ETA- I only have silkies.
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Here's a Chick from CarolinaChickenKeep AKA Nikki AKA Sparkle City Silkies!!!
Photo Shoot with the Silkie!! It's a Sweety

Photo Shoot doesn't always include HAIR...or does it....LOL

My one and Only silkie...I do feel there will be more!!!! I don't get to handle it often,(winter time change I work 7-5) and was shocked at how docile and easily it followed me or my dogs around the house. It was just so calm and cool about everything...I feel like i've missed out in the chicken world by not having one.

ps I'm glad I cleaned under my
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My sister lives in Chapin, on the lake but I seldom get down there anymore.
However, there are plenty of folks here all over SC so I am sure someone lives close to you.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

And Bethany - Silkies can be OK with other bantam breeds, but due to the way their head/skulls are, it is better to keep just silkies together. They can be easily maimed or killed by other birds, and with the crests sometimes it is hard for them to see! Nikki (CarolinaChickenKeeper) has beautiful birds :)
I took some photos of another pair of peafowl I am getting. Thought I would share since the photos turned out fairly nice. Although this is one of the most common peafowl seen I find them striking with the bright bold colors. My favorites are the silver pied but I won't turn down this pair of Black Shoulder India Blue.

Him and his hen. I think there is another hen to go with this pair so we can make it a trio.


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