South Carolina

Aimee came back! We woke up to find her standing outside the door to the coop. (For those of you who don't know, we lost a chicken!) My daughter walked very slowly towards her and she startled clucking at her, like "are you going to keep me waiting?" she got hers though, once we let her back in the other hens started pecking at her. We're hoping she can be re-integrated smoothly.

Lol. We did try the stick in a box last night but ran out of daylight. In the end, although we tempted her with food I think it was a lack of water that brought her in.
It really did work for me when I was a kid! But we lived out in the middle of no-where and I had a lot of time on my hands....Well, and maybe chickens are smarter now!
WOW I have been away far too long!

Awesome wins at the show last week!

Missing hens then found hens...congrats Aimee is home!

Cute fuzzy butts always a pleasure to see!

And that bow! So adorable!!! I could just squeeze her with love!

New peeps here...human and fowl! Welcome all!!!

I think my girls were trying to start laying again and in comes this cold snap! I guess winter has to start sometime to get over with! I am ready for spring!!!

I know I missed commenting on a lot I want to comment on...but whew! I had pages and pages to catch up on...I done forgot alot...LOLOL Old human hen here!
To my SC PEEPS...those of you who have EE's. I have a solid BLUE ROO chick growing up. If anybody wants to add a little blue to their flock. Just Holla back! He's a Cutie and he's so young and starting to crow....sounds like a tinker toy(not a crow) I have never had a roo crow this early! I'll Try to post pics later on!
Ty I now have 2 new marans. Not sure yet if they will be blue or splash should be one of the 2. Btw calling me riversedgefarm is such a mouth full most ppl just call me teresa some call me bit$% but most its teresa lol
Got new pic of puppy I can't stop taking pics of them they oh so cute and I get to keep 2 I can pick what one I want I just want them all.
P.s ill get pics of new peeps soon maybe y'all can tell me what they be. This a first for me hatching marans

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