South Carolina

Thanks for the replies. Sure am glad we didn't try to introduce chicks to the flock. Will just let the hens do what comes naturally, and get new chicks the old fashion way. That said, I have a strong suspicion this chicken interest will only grow, and the temptation to get more involved will become irresistible.
Thanks for the replies. Sure am glad we didn't try to introduce chicks to the flock. Will just let the hens do what comes naturally, and get new chicks the old fashion way. That said, I have a strong suspicion this chicken interest will only grow, and the temptation to get more involved will become irresistible.

You are in a great place to feed your new addiction Fred
Fred one thing you could do if you want some different types of chickens without buying them or incubating them is wait untilone of your hens goes broody and then put some different kinds of eggs under her. You would need to have a source for the eggs ahead of time but that might work.
Fred - I think next time I will let a broody hen do the work instead of an incubator. BTW - How do you guys stand the 21 day wait until your chicks hatch? I have an incubator full of eggs, which is exciting. The downside is the house full of tiny people who keep asking me several times a day - "Did they hatch yet?...How about now?...Did they hatch yet?" Also, I tried to candle some of the light colored eggs with a flashlight yesterday and I couldn't see anything! So I'm hoping something actually hatches the day after Christmas or I will have very disappointed kids. Someone asked Maddie yesterday if Santa was coming to her house soon, she said "No, we're getting baby chicks." I said Santa was coming too, the night before our chicks are supposed to hatch. Then my four year old says "Oh, yeah? I forgot about him."
Howdy all,

Quick question. Does anyone know a good breeder or hatchery anywhere near Conway or Florence? Particularly interested in Ameraucanas, Black Australorps, Barnevelders, and Welsummers. I'm mulling over buying them from Meyer Hatchery, but I hate to if there's a good local place that has what I'm looking for!

Thanks guys!

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