South Carolina

Its been in the high 90's for the last week. My wife and I have lost 4 chickens about 2 days ago, also only got about 3 eggs. We have put a fan in the coop with them and wet down there run with water with a soaker hoses. We have been giving them water 4 times a day with electrolytes in it, to try and help them out. We are still real new at this and are not sure what to do for them. If we are doing something wrong please let us know and if there is something we can do please let us know. We love our chickens and don't wont them to dye this way. Any help would be nice. thanks
Its been in the high 90's for the last week.  My wife and I have lost 4 chickens about 2 days ago, also only got about 3 eggs.  We have put a fan in the coop with them and wet down there run with water with a soaker hoses.  We have been giving them water 4 times a day with electrolytes in it, to try and help them out. We are still real new at this and are not sure what to do for them.  If we are doing something wrong please let us know and if there is something we can do please let us know. We love our chickens and don't wont them to dye this way. Any help would be nice. thanks

Are they in a run? Does it have shade?
They are in a run but only because we have three hawks that fly around and Have gotten two of them. It is shaded 95% of the day. The only time they have Direct sunlight is in the early morning.
Hi y'all!

I'm a new member and was told to make a post here. I live just outside of Orangeburg. I'm new chicken Mama. I love them! They keep me grounded. Anyone from my area? I look forward to interacting with y'all!
I'm in Abbeville, a little piece away from you. Welcome aboard! What kind of chickens do you have?

Thank you so much!

The first four we got, we were told they were Comets. Even without any experience, I don't think they are. Based on the pictures I've seen here, I think they may just be EEs.

We also have ten chicks. They consist of Americaunas (sp?), Swedish Flower Hens, Legbars, and Silkies (my daughter's). I'm not sure of the sexes yet, as they are so young. I am attaching their first pictures here, but they are much bigger now. I will update later with more recent pictures.

Thank you so much! The first four we got, we were told they were Comets. Even without any experience, I don't think they are. Based on the pictures I've seen here, I think they may just be EEs. We also have ten chicks. They consist of Americaunas (sp?), Swedish Flower Hens, Legbars, and Silkies (my daughter's). I'm not sure of the sexes yet, as they are so young. I am attaching their first pictures here, but they are much bigger now. I will update later with more recent pictures.
They are pretty! I think you're right about the comets. I don't know if they're EE's, looks like one is mostly Buff Orpington and the the other a RIR mix. They will all be great chickens! Americaunas are what some hatcheries label their EE. Ameraucanas are the pure breds. Either way you're going to have great chickens and a beautifully colored egg basket in a few months!
They are pretty! I think you're right about the comets. I don't know if they're EE's, looks like one is mostly Buff Orpington and the the other a RIR mix. They will all be great chickens! Americaunas are what some hatcheries label their EE. Ameraucanas are the pure breds. Either way you're going to have great chickens and a beautifully colored egg basket in a few months!

Hooray!!! :) Thank you for your encouragement.

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