South Carolina

Keep me in mind when you get ready to sell!

Shoot me a PM so I wont forge.LOL Getting old.
Amy, you are welcome to bring your eggs for us to hatch for you, as long as all the chicks leave and go back to you, but there may be a few extra that somehow appear in your chicks :)

Ok Robert no more of OUR chickens, turkeys eggs in the incubator, do you hear me
This could open the door for buying eggs from another source....
Quote: LOL Somehow I figure there will be keets and turkeys wind up with bantam Cochins in my hatches!

I am setting all the turkey eggs my 2 girls lay but so far I haven't candled to see if they are growing. Once they get to laying they sure do a good job! Terry loves his turkeys. I am beginning to think like Kris though, one or 2 is okay. A large mass of turkeys...not so much!

ETA....... I had a friend come buy eating eggs from me. She had given me some of her gorgeous hens last year because she had too many for her neighborhood. Unfortunately, she went by TSC on the way to my house and her kids talked her into buying some chicks. While she was here she asked if I would please take some of the chicks because she did not need 6, which is how many they want you to buy at one time. Not sure what I have but I think a MF d'Uccle and a blue OEG, maybe. Not sure how it happened that I keep selling but people keeping bringing me more!
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Looks like we're going to be overrun with Muscovy ducklings about Cinco de Mayo. Would love to trade some for almost any large fowl breed (chicks, pullets, or laying hens) with a reputation for going broody.
Ethel laid an egg a day for 22 days, all the while being terrorized :barnie by Fred (Muscovy) and Andy (Pekin), so there is no telling what these ducklings are going to be.

So Robert what did you buy? What kind of hatch rate is that? So that is 51 babies right now with lots more to come? That ia impressive!! I guess we will see you at Chickenstock in May???
Where/when is the Chickestock in May? I might need to schedule myself for it. I missed last years, because I got the time and date wrong. It was in Aiken, was all I got right. I think.
Maybe that was 2011.
Looks like we're going to be overrun with Muscovy ducklings about Cinco de Mayo. Would love to trade some for almost any large fowl breed (chicks, pullets, or laying hens) with a reputation for going broody.
Ethel laid an egg a day for 22 days, all the while being terrorized
by Fred (Muscovy) and Andy (Pekin), so there is no telling what these ducklings are going to be.

I don't have anything to trade but might be willing to buy a couple ducklings from you. Looking for somewhere local for duckling chicks! Keep me in mind when they start making their appearances!
I HAD to stop at Mary Jo's while on my way back from dropping the hubby at the airport in Charlotte yesterday... I think I might officially be the crazy chicken lady with my new purse I made but I had to share it with you all!!


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