South Carolina

hey SC we are at 15° no wind right bout you??? Lake Murray upper sc 5:57am
I got a couple of those heated water bowls for dogs. Plug in and sit it on a cement block. It doesn't make the water warm, only keeps it above freezing. I got 1 1/2 gallon size for chickens, but also have the one quart one for my pigeons. 1 1/2 gallon one is $30, but well worth it!!
Was about 10° in Catawba at 6:30.
I didn't have heated bowls, so I emptied the waterers last night and brought out room temp water this morning.
Hope everyone got to drink before they froze over.
Best thing I ever did was get extra waterers! No electricity to coop and windchill is what really gets them here. I only fill the waterers halfway or so and switch them out a couple of times per FREEZING day. Extra energy? Sure but who doesn't need exercise in winter?;-)
Thanks for the welcome! We are so thrilled with our move out of s gated community and into the country. Our Cornish Cross are much more active and involved than we were led to believe. We give them lots of outdoor and garden time ..... Which they love.

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