South Carolina

Hey everyone....Beautiful Saturday

So, Amy....remember the baby you gave me so my little one wouldn't be lonely? She was so tiny and cute. I took them to work and everyone loved the feathers on her feet. So we decided to name her "Lady Gaga"! Lady Gaga was so sweet....all of the children came in to my office to see her for two weeks. Then we had another batch hatch so these two went into the coop for the "Tweenies". So all the babies are growing...growing....growing. My husband came in the house one morning and said..."Lady Gaga just crowed"!!! So, the end of the story is.....Lady Gaga in now Sir Gaga! Still cute. I swear his toes wiggle when he crows!!!

Anyway, thanks for sharing your baby with us. He is so darn cute....and a keeper!!
Tink aka Mary
I have a Barred Rock named "SHaak Ti" which is a female Jedi...geek i know, but all my girls are named after SciFi female characters!!! Moya, Buffy, Padme, AerynSun,Anya,Chianna...Yep Geeky!!! but i love'em!!
Awwww! I would love to see photos of him! I bet he is such a big boy now! Cochns do like to crow early. Or if at Moonchild's house they will crow from the egg!

Yancy, I looked over the blue JG yesterday and I swear I think they are all boys! I said "No! No!" but I am not so sure they cared. I have a black one and I am pretty sure she is a girl. Better be cause her name is Virginia.
I have a Barred Rock named "SHaak Ti" which is a female Jedi...geek i know, but all my girls are named after SciFi female characters!!! Moya, Buffy, Padme, AerynSun,Anya,Chianna...Yep Geeky!!! but i love'em!!

I would never remember names like that!

DD usually names our animals.....not my silkies though! She names most goats - we have one named Cibo (pronounced Keebo) - it means Chow (like food) and I cannot remember the language.. Her 4 mallards are named after characters from the Kill Bill movies.

I give out names like GoatGoat & DuckDuck - although I have some birds named after artists.
My DD just names everything Princess ( she's 6 can you tell? ) DS is too young to name things very well so we pick simple names for his, Chicken Little.

Our new chirpies, besides Darth Molly, I haven't picked out any names yet.

Does anyone else have very photogenic SLWD? Darth Molly and her friends love to pose as soon as I bring out the camera. I was laughing so hard last night while taking some pics of them.
Awwww! I would love to see photos of him! I bet he is such a big boy now! Cochns do like to crow early. Or if at Moonchild's house they will crow from the egg!

Yancy, I looked over the blue JG yesterday and I swear I think they are all boys! I said "No! No!" but I am not so sure they cared. I have a black one and I am pretty sure she is a girl. Better be cause her name is Virginia.

I know right!!! haha! U know I have devoted so much time to the new roo and poor little Blue Lilly...I now need to brag on the Middle chick! She's a growing and she better not be a crowing!!! She is Beautiful too!!!!
Me and DH have been working hard on a small mobile coop for my babies once they're a little bigger
We ran out of materials just in time for the Nascar race lol Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather!

The dogs "helped" too..
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