South Carolina

Yancy, Piper is beautiful! She didn't know those little fuzzy peeping things would someday be taking food right out of her mouth
So funny! Yesterday Cassie, our GP, was watching the mama and chicks. I guess she got too close b/c mama stomped at her and did she ever jump backwards! Cassie wouldn't hurt those chicks for anything. All she wants to do is lick the chick food up from the broody box floor.
TSC in Gaffney will be doing a livestock swap the last saturday of every month......

Wonder if all of them will be?

I need to catch up on posts. DH's family reunion was yesterday......spent friday & sat morning cooking.

Had a good time though. I "hid" in the kitchen/food area most of the time LOL
The babies in my incubator are hatching!

I started with 24 eggs.. 22 made it to lockdown.
They've been hatching all day, and it's hard to tell exactly how many are in there, but the total is definitely well into the double digits!

Here are three peeping (tee hee) out of the side of the incubator.

Completely off topic but....

I just woke up and heard the news from last night. Bin Laden is DEAD!!!!!

Sorry, I am very excitied. My husband, brother in law, brother, father and mother are all military/retired military so I am very happy by this news!!
im starting to think its dislocated at the knee. but there is no swelling she just seem to favor it.

any help please

About all you can do is watch her in an isolated cage and see if it mends. If it is dislocated they can often build the muscle up around it but for chickens it doesn't happen often and they wither away. I have quite a few bantam Cochins that are show quality and one of the problems with them is that the pelvic socket for the leg won't develop well and the ball can't support the weight of the chicken as it matures so I wind up putting them down. Always seems to be a super nice pullet and usually around 4 months old.
I heard this morning on the radio that this is the 3rd time it has been said he is dead and for some funny reason they immediately buried him at sea. I think it is a scam so we will shut up about the birther.
I heard this morning on the radio that this is the 3rd time it has been said he is dead and for some funny reason they immediately buried him at sea. I think it is a scam so we will shut up about the birther.

i did not hear about being buried at sea it was all over the news last night and this mornig.i think he is dead.i sure dont think they would bury him at sea just my opinon
I was able to get a good bit done to my duck coop this weekend. All I have left is to put one door on and that PVC roofing for protection to the wood but it is liveable now. I still need to finish fencing the runs and hope to do that this week.

Then I get to start on the other duck coops and I need to work on the d'Uccle condos before it gets too hot.

Oh yeah! I totally cleaned out and rearranged the brooder room! It looks cool now. I am sure I will get tired of it like this but for now it works. It was a long hard day yesterday but I feel better that I accomplished something.

And I got to meet Cindy and her hubby Sat. morning!
I heard this morning on the radio that this is the 3rd time it has been said he is dead and for some funny reason they immediately buried him at sea. I think it is a scam so we will shut up about the birther.

They buried him at sea because it is Muslim custom to be buried within 24 hrs of death. They killed him, took him to a US boat for verification, then buried him at sea.

I think this country has a lot more important things to be concerned with than a birth certificate....don't you guys think that someone in the bureaucracy would have caught it IF IN FACT his BC was false or that he was NOT a US citizen...MAINLY DUE TO THE FACT THAT IT IS A REQUIREMENT IN ORDER TO BE PRESIDENT??!?!???!??!??

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