South Dakota Thread!

Hey - I am in SW South Dakota - on a ranch.

I bought an assortment of leghorn chicks - have 6 cockerels from Sandhills preservation. Should be a little higher class than hatchery birds. Thing is, I am hoping that a leghorn rooster will improve my egg laying in his daughters.

I have dark brown, light brown, white, exchequer, and barred cockerels. I am raising them in a multi-generational flocks so they should have good manners. I will put them in a grow out pen, as I cull them.

But thought maybe someone here would be interested in one. I can try and get pictures, but they are flighty.

Mrs K
Hey - I am in SW South Dakota - on a ranch.

I bought an assortment of leghorn chicks - have 6 cockerels from Sandhills preservation. Should be a little higher class than hatchery birds. Thing is, I am hoping that a leghorn rooster will improve my egg laying in his daughters.

I have dark brown, light brown, white, exchequer, and barred cockerels. I am raising them in a multi-generational flocks so they should have good manners. I will put them in a grow out pen, as I cull them.

But thought maybe someone here would be interested in one. I can try and get pictures, but they are flighty.

Mrs K

Oh! I see your here. Sorry!
we are in western South Dakota and we need to rehome a wonderful flock, lots of different breeds including wellsummers, (rooster and hens) rhode island red, ISA browns 1 buff and 1 lavender orpington, 1austrlop 1 black sex link, 2 chantacler, bantam and standard, 1 silkie rooster, 1 golden sebright, (hen) 4 easter eggers, 1 new hampshire red, 1 light barhama, and 1 ancona. all have been wonderful, some are great layers, and some are great broodys. one has 3 chicks, and they need a home also. they are all 1 year old, and are producing lots of eggs, some speckled, some white, some large, some small, (not many) and every EE lays green eggs! the picture perfect egg basket. they are super friendly and calm, good foragers and some love to cuddle.


here are just a few pictures, but i can get specific ones.

i love this flock and didn't expect to be moving.
thank you in advance!
I need to re-home my rooster, who is about 4.5 months old, due to neighbor complaints about his crowing. He does a good job with the hens. I think he is an Australorp. He's pretty with his turquoise highlights. I'm in Hot Springs, SD, in the black hills.
Photo on 7-12-22 at 8.54 AM #4.jpg
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ok with this incredibly hot weather, (Thank God it is cooler today) I have a broody hen that I just did not want to confine in that heat. So

I need some day old chicks, or chicks due to hatch, or a place I can get meat birds.

Mrs K
Hello!! I am from South Dakota in the Black Hills area. I have already met Mrs. K! This thread doesn't seem super active, but I am glad to know there is one. I am a first-time chicken owner and have wanted some for quite some time. I was living in Rapid City, waiting for the ordinance to pass :he . However, we were able to buy a cabin in the hills near Rockerville this summer (I always wanted to move out of town), so my first project was a chicken coop! I can have livestock, but I live in a covenant, so there are some rules.

I have six chicks who turned four weeks today. I was going to get less because we would also like to start some meat birds this spring but the minimum was six for shipping. I put them in the coop already one week ago. The first chicks I chose were:

(2) Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
(2) Easter Eggers
(1) Plymouth Barred Rock
(1) Dark Brahma

However, there was a packing error in my box, and the bird we were excited about did not come =( The Brahma. We have a mystery chick who looks to be a Welsummer, but I think it may also be a cockerel.

Anyways, nice to see others from SD here :)

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