Southern California chicken meet-up

Where would you like this year's meet-up to be held?

  • Debiraymond's house in the high desert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BarkerChickens's house in the high desert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PotterWatch's house in Pomona

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A park (please post your preferred park location)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Last year kids were welcome (I brought mine), so I assume this year it would be the same no matter what the location.

I got BarkerChickens PM. Thanks for including me! I have not been around BYC much since late Feb. and I didn't know about this thread.

I doubt I will be able to make a chickenstock this Spring. With my family's sports, scouts, church, etc. (especially a Brownie troop that I am in charge of) most weekends are already committed to other things. My personal time is usually during school hours. But, who knows, I will keep checking back to see when it get scheduled and if I can make it.

Hey all,
I got the PM about the meeting, unfortunately unless it is after May 21st, I cant go. I work full time and am in school too so time is very limited. When will you guys decide on the date?
I'd like to go. Last time I missed the one that was ten minutes from my house because I thought it was on Sunday. I voted for Pomona, then got to thinking maybe if we could do it at a park we could do chickens (buy/sell/trade) as well as eggs (buy/sell/trade/show off) and potluck. Not sure how everyone feels about it but I think if we could do chickens too it would be fun. Lots of hand sanitizer and minimal handling and people should be okay if they kept their own birds in their own crates until sold.
If other people have birds/eggs to sell/trade, we could certainly do that. I don't have any birds or eggs to sell right now, nor am I looking to buy; but if that is something many people want to include, I'm sure we can find a nice park.
Hi!, Thanks for the PM, going to monitor this thread. Not sure it matters where it is to me as I'm in San Diego.... heh. Long drive no matter what. So it will depend on the timing, I'm gone a lot for Boy Scout events.

Sounds like fun though!

I'm good anywhere!
Want me to bring Potpie so she can lay an egg on the patio again?

I'm there if possible. High Desert is best for me, but not for San Diego or other So Cal locations. I'm willing to travel even with birds if I have any by that time I would like to separate with.

Question, can we camp on the property or do we have to find a campground? We dry camp and can go almost anywhere. Some places especially in areas like Pomona can be quite pricey.

Desparately want to join the Partaie Rock N Fly
If it is at my place, kids are welcome.
I'm sure most everyone would be fine with it wherever it'll be.

Carri, Oh my gosh, Pot Pie is such a riot!! I just love her! And Stupid too!

There are lots of places around the High Desert for camping. I am not familiar with down the hill, but for those that would like to camp, there are lots of places in the desert and nearby mountains!

I have mixed breed hatching eggs that I could bring if anyone would want them. Eggs can be brought anywhere, but if people want to bring chickens, I agree that a park would be a better setting (though we may need to call the city to make sure it is fine since there may be laws regarding it
I had voted for debiraymonds it is closest to us and have family out that way, but we also have family in hesperia. Don't know if we can make it as DH has been out of work since aug. With only unemployment and little bits here and there, traveling for fun is VERY limited. Sounds like lots of fun though. Buy/sell/trade would be nice also.


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