
Spiders are your friends. They will catch and eat all kinds of nasty bugs that you don't want in your yard.
And if your chickens find them, they are a tasty treat.

Spiders are also indicator that you have a decent ecosystem in your yard. They build webs were it is clean and healthy. An old wives tale says that a spider is a sign of a good house-keeper.

Please don't smoosh these gifts of nature. You are lucky to have them.

On the other hand, I can appreciate your problems with them. I was terrified of them for years, but I learned to appreciate them.
The only poisonous spiders in the US are the black widow and the brown recluse. The black widow is rarely deadly, except to the very young and very old, and the brown recluse is, well, reclusive, and is only found in the southern states. And even that one does not always cause a necrotic wound when it bites. some other spiders can cause painful bites, but they are not anymore deadly than the sting of a bee (unless you are allergic to bees)

Yes there are some venomous hobo spiders as well as all other types of recluses and widows - not just the brown recluse or black widow. Here's a link of venomous spiders by state .

A spider is only poisonous if you get sick eating it, however a bite from a venomous spider will hurt you!
I'm not gonna smoosh it! I'm gonna let it go tomorrow.
I'm not gonna smoosh it! I'm gonna let it go tomorrow.

You better wear eye goggles and a tinfoil hat...
Just sayin...
I'm not gonna smoosh it! I'm gonna let it go tomorrow.

You better wear eye goggles and a tinfoil hat...
Just sayin...

I'd trust redhen.

She's had her brains sucked out through her eyeballs.

Imp- as her maid I would know.
You better wear eye goggles and a tinfoil hat...
Just sayin...

I'd trust redhen.

She's had her brains sucked out through her eyeballs.

Imp- as her maid I would know.

Hrmh.... deciding whether to take that as an insult or not....

*oh and you seem to have missed doing the dishes tonight!!*

Redhen- Imp's on thin ice....
Ive been bitten by a brown recluse.. was no fun at all
black widows and brown widows go to the "local" pet shop when i find them.. any brown recluse gets killed (revenge is mine dang it!).. the others are welcome to live in my home and yard anytime..

I even have several tarantulas as pets!
I hate spiders so much! I even took it as far as buying a bug vaccum to remove them.... (it sucks up the spider/bug and it lands in a container, where you release it outside) Call me crazy, but it works.
I can't believe you're going to let that thing loose on society!! I have the willies just thinking about it. *shudder*

I say flush it!!!

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