Spirit - the amazing grey dewlap toulouse gander!

No resolutions. Went to bed at 9 and got up at 6:30. I still have a cold, so not feeling awesome. We finally got some real snow ( 3 or 4 inches) and the geese are pretty funny about it. They ought to be glad they are sleeping inside at night. I'm bringing some straw over to the S. side of house where they relax, so their feet will stay warm.
Greetings Miss Lydia !
Marty, hope you feel better soon!! Ugh... snow. We have been getting our fair share of that stuff here. What I really hate are the -0F nights after the storms. I can't wait for spring!!
Marty, hope you feel better soon!!   Ugh... snow.  We have been getting our fair share of that stuff here.  What I really hate are the -0F nights after the storms.  I can't wait for spring!!

Me neither!!! We haven't gotten more snow but the artic crap sure hit us. Right now it is -15 F plus windchill.doing chores SUCKS!!!
We're at 18* with a windchill of 7, so not to bad really. We usually only spend a few days the whole winter with it getting to 0 or below, but I can remember it staying at -15* windchill -40 for a few weeks when I was 16. It was my job to go out on ATV and break ice in ponds for 3 cattle pens. Brrr! Just thinking about it makes me glad I didin't choose to keep cows. The 2 goats are enough fun. Ava is up to 1 qt a day now, so we're enjoying yogurt and lemon cheese. I'm waiting for a milk seperator.

I'm working on ideas for goose sheltors for the end of this month. I'm debating how to divide. Maybe I'll keep the 4 sebbies togather and the africans and then buff dewlaps, and not just divide into pairs. I guess the plan would be to watch and if excess aggression insued, divide into pairs. I've lost track of who is what on the buffs, but to look at them I think I've got two mails and a girl. I think I'll keep the better mail, and just but extra buff boy and Dude (gray dewlap male) togather, since no mates for either at this time. The africans, being a trio, I'll naturally leave togather. For me the only real debate is on the sebbies. I have a pair of whites and a pair of gray and whites. I don't think the whites either one came from two white parents, so since they carry color jeans, I might just leave everyone togather and plan for white or gray/white offspring. I suppose the whites have a 75% chance of whites with offspring, but I'm not all that interested in all the genetics of it yet.
Triplell, I feel your pain! It is 2F at my place right now. I'm dreading leaving house to do chores.

Marty, congrats on the goats giving you more milk!! Any chance you might send me some cheese? I'd love to try it!! I know what you mean about not being sure the best way to set up goose pens. I know I will separate out my best 3-4 pairs of dewlaps, but then not sure if I will separate the others unless there is fighting. I'm also really on the fence about separating my best quality africans into breeding pens, although I most likely will separate out at least one pair for a short time, so Triplell can get hatching eggs. I'm still so sad about Lady, but will be happy to send you grey dewlap eggs so you can hatch Dude a new mate!
Very good idea. I cannot imagine Baby being able to breed in a few months given how slow her recovery has been so far. But I bet she will be ready and able in 2014!

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