
On a kids' nature show, I heard that puffin chicks are called pufflings....probably @Alaskan knows this already, since there are puffins in Alaska?
Anyway consequently I started calling my youngsters the Pufflings...they went out on adventure today. Usually they don't leave the run when the hens free range, but today they ventured a bit further into the yard, Beldar taking the lead and the girls sticking to him like glue. He hasn't crowed yet. 7+ wks.
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Yep, there are puffins on Alaska... lots close-in to my house too.

But as to what they are called....uh... :idunno
He is dark. ...

What kind of comb does he have if it isn't a V?

Just curious as to the other gene's in there.
I looked very close. I had to wet my fingers & slick all the feathers back to reveal a very tiny V comb.

He's got most everything else going right. Legs look good crest looks pretty good too. Cavernous nostrils and nice red, bristle face and white/blue earlobes. I dont like the way he holds his wing a little low. That may have just been the picture at that particular time and not a constant. But wow, the black.....so much black...
He's got most everything else going right. Legs look good crest looks pretty good too. Cavernous nostrils and nice red, bristle face and white/blue earlobes. I dont like the way he holds his wing a little low. That may have just been the picture at that particular time and not a constant. But wow, the black.....so much black...
I'm pretty sure Jake is the daddy. That would explain much of his good looks.

....However the wings could easily be explained if Jasper was feeling ambitious. :lau
....However the wings could easily be explained if Jasper was feeling
I know Jake is the daddy.
Your spitz batches were way before Jasper and Phoenix ever even got to go outside. It was much too cold. And even though I've watched jasp "try" his hand and the bigger girls, i dont think hes been that successful. I wish i had video of it. The girls are practically walking around while he's going at it holding onto the back of their heads. It's about the equivalent of a chihuahua trying its hand at a german shepherd. :gig
This guy just seemingly got a double dose of the black or something. Jake does have a darker chest than i would like....

Ive also come to find out that a spitz roo over an orpington hen results in a more spitz looking bird, but obviously mixed. And a orpington roo over a spitz hen results in a more smaller orp looking with faint crests with some interesting barring patterns. Definitely obvious not pure.
Not sure why the boy keeps holding his tail as he is.... it could just be that a more dominant rooster is there, so he is playing submissive......

But I would like to see if he ever holds his tail at a proper angle.

I moved him to the bachelor pad today, and he did hold his tail up correctly then. Maybe it was the pack of teen girls who were intimidating him! ;)

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