
Did I show off my -going to chunk 'em- cockerels?

They still look nice.... even if I don't want em. :lau

This one is supposed to be Chamois.. but way too light

He actually looks good for a Gold Spangled... but I don't want to bother with another color.

And a badly colored black. .. good Chamois pullet in the background.
They have a coop and a run. I don't supply heat.

I have no idea how many chickens I have... :confused: Less than 100,more than 20.

That picture has a crop of grow outs from spring... most of those will be eaten or sold, they will not make it to winter.
You do have great-looking birds.

Of course, what's not to love?
Spitzhaubens start out cute & just keep getting better!
1 week

2 weeks

My 2nd batch of spitzes are now about 1 week old. (Hatched 10 days after the 1st 2 chicks. I now have 7 total - being raised by 2 diff broody hens.)

My spitzes are being raised by and with Orpingtons. There's one silkie exception also thrown in.
IMG_1494 - Copy.JPG
Thank you all for the help! I ended up with 4 chicks, two that are the solid buff color and two that look more like the internet images of Spitz chicks. Interestingly enough, only one of the 4 has blue legs. Can't wait to see how they all turn out! You guys are awesome. I love this site!
This pullet, Greta, likes to go off on her own when I let them out to free range in the evenings. Instead of scratching and digging for bugs, she just loves chasing grasshoppers. She was running around the yard in hot pursuit of her prey when she ran right up to the fence where the neighbors' cattle were grazing close by. They were startled, she was shocked. I ran and got my camera and got these pics just before she did an about face and strutted away in as dignified a manner as she could muster.
greta and the cow (3 of 1).jpg

greta and the cow2 (3 of 1).jpg
This pullet, Greta, likes to go off on her own when I let them out to free range in the evenings. Instead of scratching and digging for bugs, she just loves chasing grasshoppers. She was running around the yard in hot pursuit of her prey when she ran right up to the fence where the neighbors' cattle were grazing close by. They were startled, she was shocked. I ran and got my camera and got these pics just before she did an about face and strutted away in as dignified a manner as she could muster.
View attachment 1498995
View attachment 1498994
These are awesome pictures! I can't believe you had time to get your camera and get back there while there was still time to get these shots. She is a beautiful pullet, and your neighbor has a nice looking cow. Nice for photo composition that both subjects are black and white. ;)

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