Splash Orp Chick Named Buzz


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Here is a chick I hatched from Korfus Kluckers. My incubator acted up during the bating process and although Christina sent great eggs that were fertile and grew I had a mess up and the chicks that hatched were all soggy and yuky looking and i didn't know if any would survive. Well two did. a blue and this splash. They were a little slow starting but here is Buzz now. Filling out very well. What do you think. Pullet? Cockerel?


Here is my blue orp cockerel that is 8 weeks today. This is not a good picture cause he wouldn't back up from the camera so I could get a good shot of how tall he is. He thought I had a treat. He is still slow feathering in but believe me he gets plenty of protein. His feed is 24% plus he gets cooked eggs everyday. His name is Charlie and his sibling is Bonnie. She was behind him
Bama, What is meant by the term soggy? chicks were soggy and yuky? I have never heard that before. I usually have clean hatches with my orps, as well as other breeds.
My guess the splash is a pullet, how old is it?

What sort of mess up caused the bad hatch?

The 8 week old blue looks to have good lacing on those feathers.
Did he also have a tough start?
The only suggestion I would have is possibly moving them to a fresh pen. We disinfect weekly against all air borne pathogens as well as surface ones.
It's not all that unusual for a blue Orp cockerel to feather out very, very slowly and look practically naked at times. Suede and his brothers sure did and it had nothing to do with incubation issues or germs anywhere. Doesn't look that bad to me, Julie. The splash sure feathered out weird, though. Hmm.
Humidity can be a great factor in incubation. If it is to high which i suspect mine was instead of hatching clean they will have more than the usual wet factor to them. I usually do a dryer hatch. I am now trying to hatch all mine in my neighbors Sportsman with the digital reads.
Cyn Buzz really doesn't have curly feathers. I don't know why that pic looks like that. I am going to try and get a few more pics this evening of Charlie and Bonnie and a few blue pullets growing out. Got my cameral working okay again.
Julie, it was the blue I meant with the curly/frizzly looking feathers, not Buzz the splash one. I have one whose wing feathers curl backwards and he's only three weeks old and just starting to feather in. I'll have to wait and see on that one, I guess. Poor Charlie looks so much like poor naked Suede as a chick, LOL, but I'm sure he'll feather in beautifully.
I am going out to get a better pic. He wouldn't cooperate cause he thought I had a treat for him. His feathers aren't as low as they look on their either.
Buzz is about 10 weeks old. Just now getting close to feathering in. The neck took the longest for some reason.
Be back shortly with fresh pictures.
Julie, SHE is looking really good. Im pretty sure she is a pullet a few have confused me. Those bules are looking good to. The roos feathers look a little weird, but sometimes that happens till the adult feathers come in. Very Cute!!

Cyn, if he was a frizzle then his feathers should be curly on both sides.

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