Picked up my box of fuzzy butz today! Questions about gender are sure to follow!
lol me too I’m more quiet in real life especially in crowds. I thinking working as a nurse forced me to be comfortable with people so I like having conversations but in a large group I get afraid of being interrupted or interrupting someone else. I’ve been told by two teachers in my life that I should be louder, one actually wrote that in my yearbook (yeah thanks dude, how uplifting lol) and the other said I didn’t want to participate in class discussions. Ofcourse I did, just wanted to be polite and let others go first lol. But when classmates actually did follow the raise your hand rule my hand often went up

lol I am the same! i was always terrible at "discussions" in college, preferred the old raise your hand thing lol except for a few favorite teachers and thankfully classes were small

and at shows they always look busy lol

Picked up my box of fuzzy butz today! Questions about gender are sure to follow!View attachment 1672730

awww so cute
This looks like a good place to ask something I’ve wondered about.
Is there a reason, or benefit I guess, to getting a variety rather than just one breed of chickens? This question is mostly aimed at people who can only have a limited number of chickens ... say less than 10.
I like the idea of the mix. Easy to distinguish individuals. And hopefully better chance of telling who is laying what egg.
Yeah, for me it’s just variety. Plus, when I first ordered chickens, I didn’t know what breeds I would like or which would work for me so I tried a bunch and discovered which breeds I liked and didn’t like. I think it is like that for a lot of people, especially people new to chickens like I was. I had researched for years before I got mine and narrowed it down to breeds I thought would be a good fit but you don’t really know until you actually try the breeds for yourself. So I did. And I love them all but there are a few I like less. My goal with the new additions was to add some color because a lot of my current chickens are solid colors. It was also to add some color to the egg basket and add some new layers since mine are starting to slow down and some good laying breeds cause we love eggs. Hence the white leghorn, meets the super layer requirement and the new egg color (white eggs). Doesn’t quite meet looks so hence the Sussex and partridge rock. Plus I discovered I love my Barred Rock so I wanted to get another Rock but wanted to try a new color. I love the looks of the partridge and have wanted one for a while anyway. I love the colored eggs of the Easter Egger as well as how fun it is to watch them grow up because of how varied feather pattern/color is so I added another Easter Egger. I personally just love a varied flock both in looks and egg colors and even personalities. I love seeing how different the different breeds act.

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