Mom's chicks arrived a day ahead of schedule today. Lol Got a call from the post office about a "chirping box" so I picked them up after my doctor appointment.
3 blue cochin, 2 welsummer, 2 sl wyandotte, 2 white leghorn and 2 light brahma. Shipped from Ideal all the way to WV in a day. Little worried about one of the wyandotte but I'll give her some time.
Lol, I love getting chicks in the mail. I am awaiting chicks hatching the week of April 1st. It's comin up quick! And I can see from the pic your Wyandotte's toes are crooked. Try taping them to a piece of cardboard to make them straighter. If you don't mind the crooked toes then don't worry about it. It won't affect anything.
Mom's chicks arrived a day ahead of schedule today. Lol Got a call from the post office about a "chirping box" so I picked them up after my doctor appointment.
3 blue cochin, 2 welsummer, 2 sl wyandotte, 2 white leghorn and 2 light brahma. Shipped from Ideal all the way to WV in a day. Little worried about one of the wyandotte but I'll give her some time.
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Awwww so cute!!
Lol, I love getting chicks in the mail. I am awaiting chicks hatching the week of April 1st. It's comin up quick! And I can see from the pic your Wyandotte's toes are crooked. Try taping them to a piece of cardboard to make them straighter. If you don't mind the crooked toes then don't worry about it. It won't affect anything.
I don't mind the crooked toe but that is the chick I'm worried about. So far she's the only one not eating or drinking and she seems to just stand off to the side. Posture is super straight up and she keeps peeping very loudly. :/ I managed to get a couple drops of electrolytes in her beak this evening so we'll see how she is in the morning.
Ordered from Cackle about a month ago.
40 ISA browns
20 white leghorns,
6 turkens
and 10 BB white turkeys.. Suppose to come on the 15th :woot:woot

I also ordered a whole bunch of hatching eggs,
20+ Tolbunt polish (Frizzled & smooth)
10+ Cream crested legbars
15 call duck eggs (Which i've just set in the incubator~)
and 6+ lavender orpington eggs~
Will be setting them on the 10th :jumpy:jumpy

Plan on getting some emu chicks very soon too~!
ooohhhhh....I wanna see the tolbunt polish when they hatch please :clap
My SIL had a friend with some extra chicks to give away (warning: free chicks are not always a good thing :old ). So I said - yeah! I’ll take all the ones she has, figuring my friend with a local farm would take any that I didn’t want.

So I ended up with like 22 baby chicks, maybe a week old. I kept 5 and my friend took the remaining ones. I was bummed when the first one crowed. Then the second. And then those wonderful posters here started clueing me in to saddle feathers...

My friend that took the other 17 chicks? All roosters. Clearly the woman had sorted out the roosters and I was the lucky recipient.

I rehomed three and two were just mean well before I figured their hormones would kick in, so I learned how to cull.

Dh was less than happy with my first chick raising experiment. :lau
I mean that is just rude!! I cannot imagine doing that to a fellow chicken keeper. She had to have known...there is no way ALL of them were coincidentally cockerels. I cannot imagine what my DH would have done:rant Live and learn, I guess but she just put a whole basket-full of bad chicken karma out there...
I made the sad choice of ordering from ideal poultry. They don’t overnight to the Midwest in winter! So sad.
Im sorry that happened. I had that happen to me once a few years ago. I just now ordered from a hatchery, up until now I only bought chicks from local breeders. But I wanted polish and couldn't find them anywhere so I ordered....we'll see

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