Uh oh.... they have now learned how to jump on top of the MHP... we also had one escape artist earlier! Unsure how long she was out for but all of a sudden I heard all this loud peeping and go to check it out and she’s pacing next to the brooder, yes OUTSIDE IT, freaking out. :lau they may have to move outside to the bigger brooder sooner rather than later! Lol they are getting VERY active!! Zipping and jumping all over the place. :lau

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Usually by 2 weeks they are ready for more room or going outside in the sunshine if possible. :)

Thanks! These only hatched Monday (4/29) and got here Tuesday so they’re pretty young still. But I think the brooder is a little small, idk. They just seem like they would love more room to run around lol originally I was going to put them outside from the beginning but then I wanted to keep them inside for a day or two after shipping to make sure they were okay but now I’m just attached and they seem too little to go outside LOL but I want them to get used to the bigs and the bigs to them. Separate of course. I have part of the coop separated so it wouldn’t be totally outside, still inside and warm and dry. I was gonna move them this weekend but it is supposed to rain a lot so then I thought Monday but now with them being so active I’m thinking it should be sooner but idk lol
Thanks! These only hatched Monday (4/29) and got here Tuesday so they’re pretty young still. But I think the brooder is a little small, idk.

If I were you I would invest in one of these:

(Not necessarily that brand, but a pen like that, there are several brands - I got mine at Pet Depot)

I raised my six chicks in one up to five weeks old and they had plenty of room. This pen is only like a hundred bucks and it's the second year in a row I've used it to brood chicks. Tons of space, tons of ventilation, and it zips up both from the side and top so no escapees. Easy to clean out too.
If I were you I would invest in one of these:

(Not necessarily that brand, but a pen like that, there are several brands - I got mine at Pet Depot)

I raised my six chicks in one up to five weeks old and they had plenty of room. This pen is only like a hundred bucks and it's the second year in a row I've used it to brood chicks. Tons of space, tons of ventilation, and it zips up both from the side and top so no escapees. Easy to clean out too.

Thanks! That’s a good idea! May have to look into that! I think my brother actually might have one.
TSC has more chicks in :love they are not 75% off though. I figure maybe before they were trying to get rid of the older chicks. Idk. But they have really good breeds this time!! Sexed RIR and Australorps and straight run Orpingtons, all in the same bin, and then straight run bantams, and Cornish Rocks. Not really interested in those last two. But it would be cool to get some more Orpingtons or Australorps or try some RIR... but I have enough chicks lol plus the Orps are straight run and I couldn’t get rid of them once I got attached :hit

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Run away from those TSC chicks. Run away. :oops:

Oh yeah, thankfully I walked away!! Almost bought these 75% off chicks a few weeks ago though lol they had Silver Laced Wyandottes. I resisted though. Lol

Their minimum is also 6 so that helps :lau

Otherwise I may have walked out with more chicks.... cause chicken math is VERY real... :lau :oops:

But I don’t have room for 11 more (6 plus the 5 already in my brooder) lol already have 7 adults.

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