Spring Garden Prep pictures please


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 3, 2010
Spring Hill, FL
Pictures please! I would love to see how everyone's garden preparations are coming along. I posted on TEG also but that forum is SLOW to move

We got most everything ready to go over this weekend. DH put in 2 of the 3 new raised beds and built me a grow table today. I am so excited and cannot wait to put my tender young seedlings in the ground soon! Here are pictures of our progress so far. I am going to be pulling out the bushes alongside the house and planting tomatoes there till I get the Mexican Petunias that I want.

DH Hard at work (as usual) to make me happy

I hope to get a better shot of the raised beds in the next couple of days..Schedule is crazy hectic during the week

My new Grow Table...Can't wait to use it! A potting area was added on the end..was too dark to take a pic of the finished product

Hey look...A chicken!
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We've got black eyed peas, sweet peas, tomatoes, cukes, crook neck squash, zucchini, green peppers, okra, beets, lettuce, carrots, and watermelon. I think that is all this time around!

I love your signature btw...That should be what we strive for as wives.
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OOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta go out and get pics of ours. We worked on it for a long time yesterday. Even planted a few early onions
I love Spring (even though it ain't here yet)

I know, so far, we are going to plant potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, wax beans, limas, cucumbers, onions, carrots, beets radishes, zuchinni, squash, peas..............I'm sure there will be more
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I really need to show you pics of my garden. I have some HUGE cabbages and cauliflowers, peas on the pod, corn, squash, romaine lettuce, broccoli....that I'm already eating from now... I love my garden.
I'm so jelaous! We still have some snow here, but I'm going to try and fill up my pea beds this weekend with soil in prep for putting peas in soon. I've got poly tunnels for all my beds, so I'm going to be trying to start a lot of stuff a bit earlier.

I've got both my pea beds in now, I have to put up trellis' and put in soil and get the soil heated up but we're getting there! I've got to get the chickens in there to turn up the soil in the big old plot garden, which needs to be sprayed, covered, and left for next year.




These are posted on TEG as well
I can understand, it is kind of slow sometimes on there.

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