"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

And good morning back atcha.
For a chicky.
Hope the rest hatch just as easily.
Me too!!! But not until Saturday! How do i tell them this lol! I work everyday until Sunday!

You were in the other thread when i posted this but
for you @Chaos18
YAY -- one of mine pipped "early," so I took that as a cue to lockdown, even though it was a day early. I have four out this AM, two more obviously zipping, and numerous pips. And "day 0" is not until tomorrow. Spring chicks are lively (so I've always been told). This is my first ever hatch, so I'm hardly the voice of experience.

Now I need to get my last group out of the brooder (they are five weeks now) and clean it up for my new arrivals. Yes, you're going to be busy I think!

Yep my cue to lockdown as well, just not prepared and already running late for the day
Does that mean it's a boy?

I'm not sure. I don't think those particular eggs were sex linked but I guess I should ask the breeder, if he even remembers! How are your chicks doing? Got any new pics? Mine are still all fine in spite of the omphalitis. Eating & running around & happy.
Whew!!! We have several e thermal pips in the classroom this morning! Thank goodness!!!! My first-graders are thrilled!!!!

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