"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

cherries, I think it was you that wanted to see my bantams I got from the feed stores. I am also posting the two that I hatched.

Here are the two black B.Cochins that I hatched. Nice feathered feet. They will be cute.

Here is the light splash I got last week.

This little one I got the other day. I don't think it is a bantam
cochin, I am thinking it's a white favorelle because of it's
puffy cheeks. Going to be really cute though!

The mottled I got with the white.

Here is the darker blue one..and darn..I think it's a boy. Didn't
notice those red little wattles until I held him up to take the photo.
Going to be gorgeous! The comb isn't red.

Gorgeous babies Cynthia!!!!

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