SSS...and then bury it deeper? Did anyone see this??


#1 Q: What does the third 'S' stand for?

#2 What?


Took the words right outta mah mouth!

It's amazing how some folks will take something as simple as SSS and surround it with the most bizzare circumstances.
this is my new favorite thread!!!
i'm really tired of ppl's city slicker attitudes when they go live in the country and the lack of personal responsibility ppl demonstrate about their own pets! it also annoys me when ppl call their pets their babies and call themselves mommy or daddy to w/e animal they have. i am totally a big fan of SSS!
anything to protect me or my property!
Yep, the SSS crowd is the refreshing majority here!

My buddy was having a horrible time with cats and his $$$ fishing boat. Before anyone chimes in, the gunnel was nearly 6' off the ground. So what; He's supposed to put up a chain link/electric fence around his boat to keep cats from destroying it?

We tried tack strips, pans of water, netting and a host of other things to keep the cats out, but no matter, they always circumvented our methods. Well, all methods but one.
My neighbor many years ago had lots of different kinds of livestock and one of the other neighbors had a dog they'd let loose and run around. He warned the neighbor about his dog several times because the dog got some of his livestock and would growl at him, and when he went to tell the neighbor to keep his dog up the neighbor told him to stay off his property. So, when the dog turned on his owner outside and the guy was screaming for help, he said he'd help him but was told to stay off his property. Long story short the owner killed his own dog for turning on him!
I'm all for shooting a dog that is in the act of killing my chickens, I won't jump to conclusions and shoot a dog if he hasn't been seen killing the chickens, specially since I keep my chickens up. Noone down here believes in keeping their dog up, so I have to keep my birds up. But I used to have a lab that was a stray and seen him kill a kitten and a baby bird so if he had gotten loose and killed someones livestock then I would understand WHY they shot my dog, yes I'd be upset after putting money into him but if I can't keep him up (had an invisible fence) then its my own fault, I gave him away to someone on craigslist because he was expensive to feed and had no time to walk him and such. Just thought I'd share...
So, when the dog turned on his owner outside and the guy was screaming for help, he said he'd help him but was told to stay off his property.

I see a lot of chicken lovers on this thread, but you have to step back and view this from 30,000 feet. You cannot have it both ways. If the chickens are livestock, then they are not pets - they are property. Personal feelings about the chickens are moot. If, on the other hand, the chickens are pets, then they are not protected under this law. If a dog breaks into my yard and kills one of my dogs, I cannot shoot it.

So this dog was shot for destruction of property, alive or not. Would you shoot a dog if it got into your yard and tore up your garden as your first response? I'll assume that you are not so sentimentally attached to your broccoli. Livestock = property not pets. Therefore shooting the dog because it killed your beloved chickens is revenge, not protection. This isn't to say that I don't have affection for my chickens that is on par with my rabbits, quail, dogs, cats and other misc. beasties - but in such recognize that someone else might have a similar (or greater) level of affection for their pet. Rather than getting revenge by shooting the dog, get compensation and help educate the neighbor. I hope that the lawsuit doesn't succeed because that might work to limit the ability for people to protect their livestock, but in this case such ability was obviously abused.
faracas, there is little recourse if the dog is not shoot, dog owner denys your claim and they wash up their dog after the killing spree and before the cops show up. dog owner learns the lesson "dont get caught". yea for avoiding killing a dog, if its possible. but under the letter of the law chickens are livestock, my children are people and its legaly allowable for me to shoot in their defense.

also for many people right now a few laying hens may be all thats keeping their children fed. people have lost jobs and cant pay the bills. they might be free ranging instead of in a pred proof pen because they just cant afford to feed the chickens. letting a dog kill a flock and then praying the neighbor does the right thing and pays for it (when its possible they are just as broke) is not the smart or safe choice, stopping the dog or other pred first is.
Faracas wrote: Therefore shooting the dog because it killed your beloved chickens is revenge, not protection.

Retiring the neighbor's proxy trespasser from the target pool before it has the opportunity to destroy our property and peace of mind will always be the default response, here. Revenge is reserved for scrabble games with my DW.​
Thank you babyblue! Couldn't say it better. What if it were sheep or goats? My neighbor shot a dog since it was chasing 2 of his pregnant goats, the dog lived and the person who owned the dog had tried to find who shot his dog to file a suit! I'm sorry sheeps are livestock just like chickens but I would have no problem shooting the dog, the same dog killed 3 of his 4 peacocks, several chickens, and a baby sheep.
yes, i would certainly shoot a dog for tearing up my veggie patch. that took a lot of time and effort on my part!!! i don't want a dog on my property because you never know when they will attack! i too have a scar from a dog attack. i would also shoot a dog that attacked my own dog or cat or any other pet. all i have to do is tell the cops that the dog was trying to attack me and i feared for my life. and sometimes you cannot educate a person, there are numerous stories in this thread that show that very clearly! i mean, the main problem, and the same reason there will never be a utopia is that it SOUNDS nice, but doesn't work in practice. i'm not gonna deal w/ someone else being lazy and irresponsible w/ their pet. i have a LOT of other things i need to do, i simply do not have time to mess around.

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