SSS...and then bury it deeper? Did anyone see this??

It does bother me that it seems the dog was shot in the street. I wonder if it's like the case with Erafter where the dog was shot in his yard, but ran off and died a short while later in the woods.
Don't upset my poor neighbor??!! That goes both ways doesn't it. So, what some are saying here is its perfectly okay for them to let their dog roam loose, kill my livestock, as long as I maintain the peace and tranquility in the neighborhood. Bow down, kiss their butt, so THEY don't get upset? ANY neighbor who acts in such a manner doesn't deserve MY respect and they can stay on their side of the fence WITH their chicken killing pet. (cats kill too!!)
I am on speaking terms with a neighbor just like this. We speak.............."YOU, keep your dog off my property or its dead!!" Seems thats all they understand. Tried civility. But idiots like this take civilty/kindness as weakness.
When their chicken killing CAT failed to come home they didn't bother to ask if I knew anything about. They KNEW where it was.
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Well I did the lets give a 2nd chance had 3 hunting dogs come into my yard and went after my birds they were in and out of my barn chasing them luckily enough they were just fast enough and could fly just enough to avoid them I came out with the shot gun and fired into the air and chased them away. Ok I did the right thing well 3 days later when I came home from work went out to the barn to feed, the birds were in an uproar 2 guineas were running around the rafters screaming roosters and chickens all running around in a craze I could hear a hunting dog running something behind my barn in the woods just like he was running a deer and 2 of my guineas were missing 2 weeks later I still have never found them. See the problem is when you give them a second chance you are also giving them an open invite to come back and get your birds. That dog remembers that you have the birds and he can get a free meal or kill which ever he prefers and he WILL come back for it. One of the guineas that is missing is very special to me it is my first hatched bird I bought a couple of incubators then bought some fertilized guinea eggs and went to work 28 days later there he was. He was light solid gray the only one out of the batch, it held a special place to me there is no way any one can put a price on that, for sure the $15 I would get for it will not touch what I feel he is worth. Are they DEAD I do not know they could be running around the woods but one thing is for sure they are just as good as dead if they are not? Had I have put that dog down when he first came in my yard I would still have my birds and I would not have to keep a look out 24-7 waiting for him to strike again and he WILL. The owner does not care his response I am suppose to keep my dog penned up because of your stupid birds or have 25 dogs it is hard to keep them pinned all the time some time one will manage to get out once in a while I cannot help that. Maybe not but the next time he get out things will be different he will not get a 4th try and I promise this there will never be any more 2nd chances either O I have a front end loader on my tractor he will be deep enough.
One time----ONE TIME-----a pack of dogs broke down my wooden fence to get to my Irish Wolfhound. She bolted away from them. It took two days to find her. In the meantime I had a friend with a tracking dog trailing her, posted signs, and went door to door in a 5 mile radius to show people what she looked like and beg for them not to kill her. Did I mention this was a rural farming area?!!!
Fortunately got a phone call from a farmer telling me that she was hanging around their barn. I drove over there with my heart in my mouth. Once she saw my van and heard my voice it was WHOOOOSH into the van. I thanked the farmer profusely and offered them the reward. He refused but did tell me that had I not taken the time to drive around and show photos and tell them about her, she would have been shot and buried. This was back in 1981.
He would have been well in his rights to shoot her, even though she would not have been worrying his cows. She was huge, just the size of her caused some horses and cows to be upset.
I've corralled some dogs, last one was a husky, who were after my chickens. Neighbors were warned and quite responsible about not letting it happen again. I think we all need to sit back and think about our reactions and base them on the circumstances. No man is an island.
Hmmmm dog on an island or chickens with eggs. I will eat the eggs for breakfast and eat the dog for dinner so I will continue to have fresh eggs and a roaster when the mood strikes.

BTW if someone had bothered to shoot that pack of strays your dog would not have been in danger. Dogs at large are a danger to more than just chickens.
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Miltonchix, I didn't see who were you replying to in your last post. I do agree with you. Why do their rights trump mine just because I'm the one with the chickens and not the dog? Personally, I don't care if my neighbor is upset, angry, whatever, in a situation like this one. Guess I'm not someone who needs people to approve of me and think I'm accommodating. I don't need relationships with my neighbors to make my life complete. Can take 'em or leave 'em. But I won't give up my own enjoyment of my private property or my birds just so they can break the law by allowing their animals to roam freely and slaughter at will. To me, doesn't matter if my birds are free ranging or penned, any animal belonging to another person on my own property is not welcome. I may not shoot it, depending on the situation at hand, but it is not welcome, no matter how sweet and friendly it is and I love dogs, have owned them all my life.

To me, it's really simple- if you don't have a good fence, don't get a dog, period. I even think it should be the law that you must have a fenced area for your dog or you can't have one, just like rabies are required.Dont care if you live in city or the boonies, no dog should roam--that is dangerous for the dog, other animals as well as rude to folks who may be petrified of dogs. Goes for cats, too-if you can't keep your cat in the house or around your own barn, don't get a cat, either. Some folks just shouldn't have animals (or kids, really, lol)
You're right
Drop the carcass AND a bill on the neighbors door step.

Amen. There are no leash laws in the unincorporated parts of my county and dogs routinely run free as do many chickens. The chicken killers are either contained or they don't live long. I do firmly believe in accepting consequences for your actions. If the dog is shot thats's his consequence. If I shoot him, facing his owner is mine.
Now I mean this with a grain of humor. But this is what happens when all those city folks start moving to the country. It has been a good long while since I lived on a farm. But when I did there was absolutely no question your dog would be shot on sight if found on anyone elses land. they didn't even need to have done anything to be legally shot. being on your land was enough. I guess that was back when a farm was a means of making a living and not just an escape from the hustle and bustle I guess. I can see why when I was growing up so many of the people I knew had a curled lip toward that new guy that just moved out from town though. I guess I got there also after having to keep going out and showing them how to get something done, drag them out of a ditch, or chase down the cows that got out cause they had no clue how to build a fence. I came home from school one day to two really nice horses. we got them into our pasture and just went about our business. sooner or later sure enough here come some still wet behind the ear wanna be farmer looking for them. He seemed very relieved that we found them and had them penned up. I asked him if he had actually expected to find them. He said yes cause he figured someone in the area would have found them. I just said "funny If I had gone out expecting to come back with a couple horses. I'd a brought a couple halters and a horse trailer". This idiot did not even have an inch of rope. I offered to give him a carrot that he could put in his back pocket, maybe the horses would just follow him home. I guess that was the day I got my fill of the city people myself.
Now see.. thats funny... because so many on here say that they LET their dogs roam free because they ARE living in the country...
they say thats its what everybody does in the country...

Usually "city" people keep their dogs locked up or fenced because of cars and close housing..IMO....
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