SSS...and then bury it deeper? Did anyone see this??

Faracus wrote: P.S. You guys are fine if your chickens get out, into your neighbor's garden, and your neighbor kills the chicken, right? Same darn thing. Some people need their garden to survive like you need your chickens.

Yes I'm completely fine with any neighbor killing any of my livestock or pets if it's on their property. I respect my neighbors and have all my pets confined behind a seven foot fence and in five years I've not had one of my pets escape!!! But my stupid neighbors have no respect and their cat (which I call Satan's spawn) climbs my fence and causes damage. So I will take care of Satan's spawn.​
Awwww. my savior
If someone is unwilling to control their pet after enough issues to name it that, its too bad you can find a way to give the darn cat to someone else. Not the cats fault. However, I agree. You should take care of Satan's spawn. A little holy water and a stake through the heart is the ticket.

I have a great idea! Instead of killing the offending pet, shoot the pet owner. MUCH less problems in the long run
:D and believe it or not, I am completely serious. Stupid pet owners will just get another stupid pet. Nip it in the bud, so to speak. Try filling charges for animal negligence against the pet owner and make it so they can't have a pet. Knowningly allowing your animal to tresspass onto someone's property who will shoot it seems like animal cruelty to me. Take a tip from this city chick and sue their little butts off. I have no problem smacking people around for being stupid, and whose fault is it really? The animal or the dumbbutt human?
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Please forgive my little anecdote...

We have a roaming dog in our neighborhood. I inherited one of the stops on his route when i moved here. The neighbors introduced us. Just now, while i was reading this thread, the dog started barking outside. I went out to see what was bothering him. He was attentively looking out into the darkness his tail end toward the house and the coop. I said a few words of gratitude to him as he was obviously warning something off. He came over for a pat on the head and went to lay down next to the coop. He has done this more than a few times in the evening. In gratitude i freeze scraps of leftovers until he makes his way around again.

I am grateful that he is the type of dog that gives warning rather than one who does harm.

A roaming dog, especially when they are running with others, can be dangerous not only to chickens but to small children as well. I have both. Fortunately, i haven't been put into a position where i would have to decide what to do to protect my animals. Not sure how i would personally handle it. Food for thought...
I forgot one more HUGE difference between city/country.

City folks believe in "Animal Rights". Does that mean they get to vote now too?

Country folks still believe an animal IS an animal and has the right to be fed, watered, and otherwise cared for. (sometimes they even have to be put down)
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I live in the city (always have and probably always will dang it)

BUT my animals are just that ANIMALS, look at my signature, I have alot of animals lol

I am not one of those people that thinks animals are over people, never have never will. I havent had to worry about predators with my chickens, but we do have our own dogs that could be predators, we fixed our coop in a double fenced area, sure it was expensive to do that, but its saved us from dead chickens or a dead dog so far lol
No where in my response did i insunate that an animal's life was more important than a human (personal oppinions about certain people aside).

What I said was a legitimate response to this post. If you have a headache, go to the doctor and get informed that you have a brain tumor, what do you do? Do you only keep taking headache medication to treat the symptoms, or do you try to eliminate the CAUSE which is the tumor? My shoot-the-owner quip might have been harsh, but after that I was quite clear. A stupid pet owner will only continue to buy and allow to roam stupid pets. Treat the cause and not the symptoms. Reason with and then prosecute if necessary. Sure, its easier to keep shooting a succession of dogs, cats or other pets - but is it smart? And do you enjoy that option? Wouldn't it be better to not have the issue? Rather than killing pets, get them removed and make it so that the person is punished, not the animal. It is possible to make it illegal for someone to own pets, ya know.

Why is it better to kill an animal than prosecute a person? Sure we have power over animals/environment (for better or worse), but not the right of apathetic domination because its convenient. (And I am certain this sentence, as many others of mine on this thread, will be taken out of context by the Glen Beckers.)

I am confused by all the ragging on the city folk. I thought this was BACKYARD CHICKENS? I sincerely appreciate the input from the farmers with acreage, but is that the intent of the site? To those reading the thread for actual input and ideas on how to deal with neighbor's pets who get after your livestock, please consider the more humane approach of stopping the issue at its source, the pet owner. Please note this is specifically focused on neighbor's pets, as per the original post. I pick my battles - shoot the feral, wild and dangerous if you must. I'm not trying to take yer guns away.

And with that, I'm out. I have been passionate on this subject long enough. I have acknowledged and respected everyone's point of views while expressing my own, and for that I have been insulted and my way of life insulted, which is getting rather dull. So, I'll stick to baby chicks, managing and egg laying, and let the SSS crowd have their fun making fun of me for being moderate and shooting second.

I really dont want to see this thread locked and the key thrown away. Its a law, and as long as the law is being upheld then it will continue. Even if not all agree on it.
Where I grew up it went like this:

Farmer #1 says to Farmer #2 "I shot your dog today, he was chasing my cows"
Farmer #2 says to Farmer #1 "Thank you for saving me the trouble of shooting my own dog" "Your cows alright?"
Farmer #1 says to Farmer #2 " Milking gonna be off for a while, but it happens"
Farmer #2 says to Farmer #1 " When are ya cutting hay?"
Farmer #1 says to Farmer #2 " When the D*** rain stops"

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