

9 Years
Mar 26, 2010
So I have a stalker. Not a scary one, just a developmentally disabled fellow who follows me everywhere trying to get a kiss out of me. I'm almost flattered & more than a little grossed out. Hubby thinks its funny & in a way it is. Last summer when Nate was in jail I gave this man a hug & cried. Now he apparently thinks I'm his lady. He calls me "Honey" & "Babe" & doesn't respond to polite statements from me saying "Please stop following me". He always wants to know where I'm going. He's got a BO problem & makes me want to ralf. Ewww. I will not get the police involved because I know what kind of people they are & Barry is breaking no laws. He just grosses me out.
I had a similar problem a few semesters ago. The guy would not take subtle hints. I finally ended it when I told him I was NOT interested in him as a friend or otherwise and he must leave me alone. I then cut all contact and stopped responding to him, moved my seat away in class, and would not look his way in the halls.

I had been polite several times before, but sometimes when a person is mentally disabled, they don't respond to normal social cues. The only way is to be blunt and avoid them. It may sound mean, but it's actually much easier for someone who has trouble understanding social cues to understand.
I used to have one, my neighbour. First time living on my one, had a good and normal contact with him, till I got a boyfriend. It first started with the same you describe, honey, baby etc. It got worse and worse, I called the cops several times. He cut the weires and the phone line, threatened to rape and kill me. The cops would't come because this was just verbal, and then one night my neighbours from under me ( lived in a appt complex) called them again saying they heard glass an shouting.... Thank god he was going banana's in his one house, broke all the glass, cut himself and was standing on the balcony to kill himself...I was so scared that I took the dog and cats with me in the bathroom and stayed there till daylight. I took me a year to get another house but I will never forget that!
So please don't think to light about a stalker!
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I'll tell you, I had one years ago. He was friends with my neighbors, and saw me outside one day. I didn't think anything of it at first, then he started showing up everywhere I went. He kept asking me to go off with him and to go out ect. I told him several times I wasn't interested in him, but he wouldn't get it. One night he showed up at my house banging on my door, so I called the cops, he took off 5 minutes before they arrived. They didn't seem to take it seriously until they asked him name, when I told the cop, he just looked at me with worry, He said get a restraining order ASAP. He then told me, this guy had mental issues and was dangerous, come to find out he had been in and out of mental hospitals and wasn't taking his medication like he was suposed to, he was very unstable. the cop gave me his, cell#, home#, beeper# and told me if I see him, to call him right away. I was in my GED class, when he showed up, and he was trying to get into this class and the whole time he was talking to the lady at the front desk, he kept staring at me. After he left, I told the lady about the restraing order I had on him, so luckily he didn't come back to class. He ended up back in the hospital and I moved, luckily I haven't seen him again, I'm not saying the guy who is stalking you is at this extreme, but you can never be too careful. If he keeps it up, I would let the cops know, so it would be on record. Good Luck to you!
cops here are evil small town jerks who ordered my husband not to walk around the block, made us homeless & you think I'm gonna go to eejits like that? Cops cannot be trusted!! EVER!
How sad for him.. he's probably been shunned his whole life.

I'm sorry he's attached himself to you ..

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